You fail to mention the more important engineering strategy: one which does not rely on tinkering, but instead on logical reasoning and math to chart a straight line to your goal.
To use the obvious example, modern engineering does not design bridges by using the staple strategy of tinkering, it will use applied math and materials science to create and validate the bridge design.
From this point of view, the main difference between ‘science’ and ‘engineering’ is that science tries to understand nature: it seeks to understand existing physical laws and evolved systems. But engineering builds systems from the ground up. The whole point of this is that the engineer can route around creating the kind of hard-to-analyse complexity you often encounter in evolved systems. Engineering is a ‘constructive science’ not an ‘observational science’ or ‘experimental science’.
That’s a fair point. My intuition here is that this more advanced epistemic strategy requires the science, and that the one I described is the one people actually used for thousands of years when they had to design bridge without material science and decent physics. So in a sense, the modern engineering epistemic strategy sounds even less feasible for alignment.
As for your defense of formal methods… let’s start by saying that I have a good idea of what you’re talking about: I studied engineering in Toulouse, which is one of the places with the most formal methods in France, which is itself a big formal methods hotspots. I got classes and lab sessions about all the classical formal methods techniques. I did my PhD in a formal methods lab, going to a bunch of seminars and conferences. And even if my PhD was on the theory of distributed computing, which takes a lot from computability and complexity theory, it’s also the field that spurned the invention of formal methods and the analysis of algorithms as this is pretty much the only way of creating distributed algorithms that work.
All of that to clarify that I’m talking from some amount of expertise here. And my reaction is that formal methods have two big problems: they’re abysmally slow, and they’re abysmally weak, at least compared to the task of verifying an AGI.
On the slow part, it took two years for researchers to formally verify Compcert, a C compiler that actually can’t compile the whole C specification. It’s still an amazing accomplishment, but that gives you an idea of the timescale of formal verification.
You could of course answer that CompCert was verified “by hand” using proof assistants, and that we can leverage more automatic methods like model checking or abstract interpretation. But there’s a reason why none of these approaches was used to certify a whole compiler: they’re clearly not up to the task currently.
Which brings us to the weak part. The most relevant thing here is that you need a specification to apply formal methods. And providing a specification for alignment would be on par with proving P != NP. Not saying it’s impossible, just that it’s clearly so hard that you nee to show a lot of evidence to convince people that you did. (I’m interested if you feel you have evidence for that ^^)
And even then, the complexity of the specification would without a doubt far exceeds what can be checked using current methods.
I also see that you’re saying formal methods help you design stuff. That sounds very wrong to me. Sure, you can use formal methods if you want to test your spec, but it’s so costly with modern software that basically no one considers it worth it except cases where there’s a risk of death (think stuff like airplanes). And the big problem with AGI is that a lot of the people running for it don’t understand that it involves risks of death and worse. So a technology that is completely useless to make their model stronger, and only serves to catch errors that lead to death has no value for people who don’t believe in the possibility of critical error in their software.
But maybe the last and final point is that, sure, it will require a lot of work and time, but doing it through formal methods will provide guarantees that we can hardly get from any other source. I sympathise with that, but like almost all researchers here, my answer is “Deep Learning seem to be going there far sooner than the formal methods, so I’m going to deal with aligning the kind of system we’re linkely to get in 15~30 years, not the ones that we could at best get in a century or two.
(Sorry if you feel I’m strawmanning you, I have quite strong opinions on the complete irrelevance of formal methods for alignment. ^^)
I think I will need to write two separate replies to address the
points you raise. First, a more meta-level and autobiographical reply.
When it comes to formal methods, I too have a good idea of what I am
talking about. I did a lot of formal methods stuff in the 1990 at
Eindhoven University, which at the time was a one of the places with
the most formal methods in the Netherlands.
I also see that you’re saying formal methods help you design stuff. That sounds very wrong to me.
When I talk about using formal methods to design stuff, I am very
serious. But I guess this is not the role of formal methods you are
used to, so I’ll elaborate.
The type of formal methods use I am referring to was popular in the
late 1970s to at least the 1990s, not sure how popular it is now. It
can be summarized by Dijkstra’s slogan of “designing proof and
program hand in hand”.
This approach stands in complete opposite to the approach of using a theorem prover to verify existing code after it was written.
In simple cases, the designing hand-in-hand approach works as follows: you start with a mathematical
specification of the properties you want the program to be written to
have. Then you use this specification to guide both the writing of
the code and the writing of the correctness proof for the code at the
same time. The writing of the next line in the proof will often tell you exactly what
next lines of code you need to add. This often leads to code which much
more clearly expresses what is going on. The whole code and proof
writing process can often be done without even leveraging a theorem
In more complex cases, you first have to develop the mathematical
language to write the specification in. These complex cases are of
course the more fun and interesting cases. AGI safety is one such
more complex case.
You mention distributed computing. This is one area where the
hand-in-hand style of formal methods use is particularly useful,
because the method of intuitive trial and error sucks so much at
writing correct distributed code. Hand-in-hand methods are useful if
you want to design distributed systems protocols that are proven to be
deadlock-free, or have related useful properties. (The Owicki-Gries
method was a popular generic approach for this type of thing in the 1990,
not sure if it is still mentioned often.)
In the late 1990s, I considered the career option of joining academia
full-time to work on formal methods. But in the end, I felt that the
academic field was insufficiently interested in scaling up beyond toy
problems, while there was also insufficient demand-pull from industry
or industry regulators. (This never advancing beyond toy problems is
course a common complaint about academic CS, it does not usually pay
in academia to work on problems larger than the page limit of a
conference paper.) In any case, in the late 1990s I abandoned the
idea of a career in the formal methods field. Instead, I have done
various other things in internet engineering, big science, and
industry R&D. I do feel that in all these cases, my formal methods
background often often helped me design stuff better, and write more
clear system specifications.
The reason I got into independent AGI safety research a few years ago
is because a) after working in industry for a long time, I had enough
money that I could spend some time doing whatever I liked, including writing papers without caring about a page limit, and b)
(more very relevant to this discussion) after scanning various fun
open research problems, I felt that the open problems in AGI safety
were particularly tractable to the formal methods approach.
Specifically, to the approach where you construct programs and proofs
hand in hand without even bothering with theorem provers.
So compared to you, I have the exact opposite opinion on about the
applicability of formal methods to AGI safety.
I intend to back up this opinion by giving you a list of various formal methods
based work which has advanced the field of AGI safety, but I’ll do
that in a later reply.
And providing a specification for alignment would be on par with proving P != NP. Not saying it’s impossible, just that it’s clearly so hard that you nee to show a lot of evidence to convince people that you did. (I’m interested if you feel you have evidence for that ^^)
The key to progress is that you specify various useful ‘safety
properties’ only, which you then aim to construct/prove. Small steps! It would be pretty useless to try to specify the sum total of all current and future human goals and morality in one single step.
Sure, you can use formal methods if you want to test your spec, but it’s so costly with modern software that basically no one considers it worth it except cases where there’s a risk of death (think stuff like airplanes).
This is of course the usual Very American complaint about formal
However, if I compare AGI to airplanes, I can note that, compared to airplaine disasters,
potential AGI disasters have an even bigger worst-case risk of producing mass death.
So by implication, everybody should consider
it worth the expense to apply formal methods to AGI risk
management. In this context, 2 person years to construct a useful
safety proof should be considered money well spent.
Finding the money is a somewhat separate problem.
And the big problem with AGI is that a lot of the people running for it don’t understand that it involves risks of death and worse.
I don’t agree with the picture you are painting here. The companies
most obviously running for AGI, DeepMind and OpenAI, have explicit
safety teams inside of them and they say all the right things about
alignment risks on their websites. Also, there is significant formal
methods based work coming out of DeepMind, from people like Hutter and
The type of formal methods use I am referring to was popular in the late 1970s to at least the 1990s, not sure how popular it is now. It can be summarized by Dijkstra’s slogan of “designing proof and program hand in hand”.
This approach stands in complete opposite to the approach of using a theorem prover to verify existing code after it was written.
In simple cases, the designing hand-in-hand approach works as follows: you start with a mathematical specification of the properties you want the program to be written to have. Then you use this specification to guide both the writing of the code and the writing of the correctness proof for the code at the same time. The writing of the next line in the proof will often tell you exactly what next lines of code you need to add. This often leads to code which much more clearly expresses what is going on. The whole code and proof writing process can often be done without even leveraging a theorem prover.
In more complex cases, you first have to develop the mathematical language to write the specification in. These complex cases are of course the more fun and interesting cases. AGI safety is one such more complex case.
I’m also aware of this approach; it is just about as intractable in my opinion and experience than the “check afterward”. You still need the specification, which is one of my big arguments against the usefulness of formal methods to alignment. Also, such methods followed strongly are hardly “faster” than using a theorem prover — they are about emulating the sort of thing a theorem prover does while writing the program! Actually, I wonder if this is not just equivalent to writing the proof in Coq and generating the corresponding program. (To be fair, I expect you’ll gain an order of magnitude over Coq proofs because you don’t have to go that anally over that many details; but an order of magnitude or two better than Coq proof is still incredibly slow when compared to the speed of software development, let alone ML!)
You mention distributed computing. This is one area where the hand-in-hand style of formal methods use is particularly useful, because the method of intuitive trial and error sucks so much at writing correct distributed code. Hand-in-hand methods are useful if you want to design distributed systems protocols that are proven to be deadlock-free, or have related useful properties. (The Owicki-Gries method was a popular generic approach for this type of thing in the 1990, not sure if it is still mentioned often.)
One really important detail that is missing from your description is the incredible simplicity of distributed programs (where I actually mean distributed, not the concurrent you seem to imply) and yet they are tremendously difficult to certify and/or come up with hand and hand in proof. Like the most advanced distributed algorithms in use are probably simpler in terms of code and what happens than the second or third project someone has to code in their first software engineering class. So I hardly see why I should generalize with any confidence from “we manage to design through proofs programs that are simpler that literally what any non-distributed computing programmer writes” to “we’re going to design through proof the most advanced and complex program that ever existed, orders of magnitudes more complex than the most complex current systems”.
The key to progress is that you specify various useful ‘safety properties’ only, which you then aim to construct/prove. Small steps! It would be pretty useless to try to specify the sum total of all current and future human goals and morality in one single step.
Sure — my point is that useful safety properties are incredibly hard to specify at that level. I’m of course interested of examples to the contrary. ;)
This is of course the usual Very American complaint about formal methods.
Actually, this is a complain by basically every researcher and big shot in academic formal methods that I ever heard talk. They all want to defend formal methods, but they all have to acknowledge that:
Basically no one ask for formal check or proof-based algorithms until they really have to, because it costs them a shitton of money and time.
And even after they get the formal guarantees, no one change their mind and think this was a good investment because it so rarely make the product better in any externally observable way.
However, if I compare AGI to airplanes, I can note that, compared to airplaine disasters, potential AGI disasters have an even bigger worst-case risk of producing mass death. So by implication, everybody should consider it worth the expense to apply formal methods to AGI risk management. In this context, 2 person years to construct a useful safety proof should be considered money well spent.
And the big problem with AGI is that a lot of the people running for it don’t understand that it involves risks of death and worse.
You’re missing my point: most of the people developing AGI don’t believe in any potential AGI disasters. They don’t have the availability of plane crashes and regulations to be “okay, we probably have to check this”. If we had such formal methods backed approaches, I could see DeepMind potentially using it, maybe OpenAI, but not chinese labs or all the competitors we don’t know about. And the fact that it would slow down whoever uses it for 2 years would be a strong incentive for even the aligned places to not use it, or lose the race and risk having an even worsely unaligned AGI released into the world.
“we’re going to design through proof the most advanced and complex program that ever existed, orders of magnitudes more complex than the most complex current systems”.
I disagree that AI code is orders of magnitude more complex than say the code in a web browser or modern compiler: in fact quite the opposite applies. Most modern ML algorithms are very short pieces of code. If you are willing to use somewhat abstract math where you do not write out all the hyperparameter values, you can specify everything that goes on in a deep learning algorithm in only a few lines of pseudocode. Same goes for most modern RL algorithms.
I also note that while modern airplanes contain millions of lines of code, most of it is in the on-board entertainment systems. But the safety-critical subsystems in airplanes them tend to be significantly smaller in code size, and they also run air-gapped from the on-board entertainment system code. This air-gapping of course plays an important role in making the formal proofs for the safety-critical subsystems possible.
But beyond these observations: the main point I am trying to get across is that I do not value formal methods as a post-hoc verification tool that should be applied to millions of lines of code, some of it spaghetti code put together via trial and error. Clearly that approach would not work very well.
I value formal methods as a tool for the aligned AI code specification and design phases.
On the design phase: formal methods offer me a way to create many alternative and clarifying viewpoints on what the code is doing or intending to do, viewpoints not offered by the text of the code itself. For example, formally expressed loop invariants can express much more clearly what is going on in a loop than the loop code itself. Global invariants that I can formulate for distributed system state can allow me to express more clearly how the protocols I design manage to avoid deadlock than the code itself. So the main value if the hand-in-hand method, as a code design method, is that you can develop these clarifying mathematical viewpoints, even before you start writing the code. (Not all programmers are necessarily good at using formal methods to clarify what they are doing, or to accelerate their work. I have heard a formal tool vendor say that formal methods based tools only make the top 10% of programmers in any development organisation more productive.)
On the specification phase: formal methods can allow me to express safety properties I seek for AGI systems in a much more clear and precise way than any piece of code can, or any natural language statement can.
If we had such formal methods backed approaches, I could see DeepMind potentially using it, maybe OpenAI, but not chinese labs or all the competitors we don’t know about. And the fact that it would slow down whoever uses it for 2 years would be a strong incentive for even the aligned places to not use it
No, the the design flow here is that alignment researchers spend these 2 years of time using formal methods to develop and publish AGI safety mechanisms right now, before anybody invents viable AGI. The designs we develop should then preferably take far less than 2 years, and no deep mathematical skills, to combine with an AGI-level ML algorithm, if one ever invents one.
OK, I really need to post the promised list of list of alignment papers were formal methods are actually used in the clarifying design-tool way I describe above. Talking about it in the abstract is probably not the best way to get my points across. (I am in the middle of attending virtual NeurIPS, so I have not found the time yet to compile the promised list of papers.)
BTW, bit of a side issue: I do not have an x-risk fault tree model where I assume that a ‘chinese lab’ is automatically going to be less careful than a ‘western lab’, But as a rhetorical shorthand I see what you are saying.
OK, here is the promised list formal methods based work which has
advanced the field of AGI safety. So these are specific examples to
to back up my earlier meta-level remarks where I said that formal
methods are and have been useful for AGI safety.
To go back to the Wikipedia quote:
The use of formal methods for software and hardware design is motivated by the expectation that, as in other engineering disciplines, performing appropriate mathematical analysis can contribute to the reliability and robustness of a design.
There are plenty of people in CS who are inspired by this thought: if
we can design safer bridges by using the tool of mathematical
analysis, why not software?
First, some background comments about formal methods in ML
In modern ML, there are a lot of people who use mathematical analysis
in an attempt to better understand or characterize the performance of
ML algorithms. Such people have in fact been there since the start of
AI as a field.
I am attending NeurIPS 2021, and there are lots of papers which are
all about this use of formal methods, or have sections which are all
about this. To pick a random example, there is ‘Provable Guarantees
for Self-Supervised Deep Learning with Spectral Contrastive Loss’
(preprint here) where the abstract says
things like
Minimizing this objective leads to features with provable accuracy guarantees under linear probe evaluation. By standard generalization bounds, these accuracy guarantees also hold when minimizing the training contrastive loss.
(I have not actually read the paper. I am just using this as a random
In general, my sense is that in the ML community right now, there is a
broad feeling that mathematical analysis still needs to have some
breakthrough before it can say truly useful things, truly useful
things when it comes to safety engineering, for AIs that use deep
neural networks.
If you read current ML research papers on ‘provable guarantees’ and
then get very unexited, or even deeply upset at how many simplifying
assumptions the authors are making in order to allow for any proofs at
all, I will not blame you. My sense is also that different groups of
ML researchers disagree about how likely such future mathematical
breakthroughs will be.
As there is plenty of academic and commercial interest in this formal
methods sub-field of ML, I am not currently working in it myself, and
I do not follow it closely. As an independent researcher, I have the
freedom to look elsewhere.
I am looking in a different formal methods corner, one where I
abstract away from the details of any specific ML algorithm. I then
try to create well-defined safety mechanisms which produce provable
safety properties, properties which apply no matter what ML algorithm
is used. This ties back into what I said earlier:
the design flow here is that alignment researchers spend these 2 years of time using formal methods to develop and publish AGI safety mechanisms right now, before anybody invents viable AGI.
The list
So here is an annotated list of some formal methods based work which
has, in my view, advanced the field of AGI safety. (To save me some
time, I will not add any hyperlinks, pasting the title into google
usually works.)
Hutter’s AIXI model, ‘Universal algorithmic intelligence: A
mathematical top down approach’ models superintelligence in a
usefully universal way.
I need to point out however that the age-old π∗ optimal-policy
concept in MDPs also models superintelligence in a usefully
universal way, but at a higher level of abstraction.
MIRI’s 2015 paper ‘Corrigibility’ makes useful contributions to
defining provable safety properties, though it then also reports
failure in the effort of attempting to design an agent that provably
satisfies them. At a history-of-ideas level, what it interesting
here is that 2015 MIRI seemed to have been very much into using
formal methods to make progress on alignment, but 2021 MIRI seems to
feel that there is much less promise to the approach. Or at least,
going by recently posted discussions, 2021 Yudkowsky seems to have
lost all hope that these methods will end up saving the world. My
own opinion is much more like 2015 MIRI than it is like 2021 MIRI.
Modulo of course the idea that people meditating on HPMOR is a
uniquely promising approach to solving alignment. I have never much
felt he appeal of that approach myself. I think you have argued
that 2021 Yudkowsky has also become less enthusiastic about the
The above 2015 MIRI paper owes a lot to Armstrong’s 2015 ‘Motivated
value selection for artificial agents’, the first official
academic-style paper about Armstrong’s indifference methods. This
paper arguably gets a bit closer to describing an agent design that
provably meets the safety properties in the MIRI paper. The paper
gets closer if we squint just right and interpret Armstrong’s 2005
somewhat ambiguous conditional probability notation for defining
counterfactuals in just the right way.
My 2019 paper ‘Corrigibility with Utility Preservation’ in fact can
be read to show how you need to squint in just the right way if you
want to use Armstrong’s indifference methods to create provable
corrigibility related safety properties. The paper also clarifies a
lot of questions about agent self-knowledge and emerging
self-preservation incentives. Especially because of this second
theme, the level of math in this paper tends to be more than what
most people can or want to deal with.
In my 2020 ‘AGI Agent Safety by Iteratively Improving the Utility
Function’ I use easier and more conventional MDP math to define a
corrigible (for a definition of corrigibility) agent using
Armstrong’s indifference methods as a basis. This paper also shows
some results and design ideas going beyond stop buttons and
indifference methods.
In my 2021 ‘Counterfactual Planning in AGI Systems’ I again expand
on some of these themes, developing a different mathematical lens
which I feel clarifies several much broader issues, and makes the
math more accessible.
Orseau and Armstrong’s 2016 ‘Safely interruptible agents’ is often
the go-to cite when people want to cite Armstrong’s indifference
methods. In fact it formulates and proves (for some ML systems) a
related ‘safely interruptable’ safety property, a property which we
also want to have if we apply a design like indifference methods.
More recent work which expands on safe interruptability is the 2021
‘How RL Agents Behave When Their Actions Are Modified’ by Langlois
and Everitt.
Everitt and Hutter’s 2016 ‘Self-modification of policy and utility
function in rational agents’ also deals with agent self-knowledge
and emerging self-preservation incentives, but like my above 2019
paper which also deals with the topic, the math tends to be a bit
too much for many people.
Carey, Everitt, et al. 2021 ‘Agent Incentives: A Causal Perspective’
has (the latest version of) a definition of causal influence
diagrams and some safety properties we might define by using them.
The careful mathematical definitions provided in the paper use
Pearl’s style of defining causal graphs, which is again too much for
some people. I have tried to offer a more accessible introduction
and definitional framework
Everitt et al’s 2019 ‘Reward Tampering Problems and Solutions in
Reinforcement Learning: A Causal Influence Diagram Perspective’
uses the tools defined above to take a broader look at various
safety mechanisms and their implied safety properties.
The 2020 ‘Asymptotically unambitious artificial general
intelligence’ by Cohen et al designs a generic system where a
uncertain-about-goals agent can call a mentor, and then proves some
bounds for it.
I also need to mention the 2017 ‘The Off-Switch Game’ by
Hadfield-Menell et al. Like the 2015 MIRI paper on corrigibility,
this paper ends up noting that it has clarified some problems, but
without solving all of them.
There is lots of other work, but this should give you an idea of
what I mean with formal methods work that defines useful AGI safety
properties in a mathematically precise way.
Overall, given the results in the above work, I feel that formal
methods are well underway in clarifying how one might define useful
AGI safety properties, and how we might built them into AGI agents, if
AGI agents are ever developed.
But it is also clear from recent comments like this
that Yudkowsky feels that no progress has been made. Yudkowsky is not
alone in having this opinion.
I feel quite the opposite, but there is only a limited amount of time
that I am willing to invest in convincing Yudkowsky, or any other
participants on this forum, that a lot of problems in alignment and
embeddedness are much more tractable than they seem to believe.
In fact, in the last 6 months or so, I have sometimes felt that the
intellectually interesting open purely mathematical problems have been
solved to such an extent that I need to expand the scope of my
research hobby. Sure, formal methods research on characterizing and
improving specific ML algorithms could still use some breakthroughs,
but this is not the kind of math that I am interested in working on as
a self-funded independent researcher. So I have recently become more
interested in advancing the policy parts of the alignment problem. As
a preview, see my paper
here, for which I
still need to write an alignment forum post.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment!
That’s a fair point. My intuition here is that this more advanced epistemic strategy requires the science, and that the one I described is the one people actually used for thousands of years when they had to design bridge without material science and decent physics. So in a sense, the modern engineering epistemic strategy sounds even less feasible for alignment.
As for your defense of formal methods… let’s start by saying that I have a good idea of what you’re talking about: I studied engineering in Toulouse, which is one of the places with the most formal methods in France, which is itself a big formal methods hotspots. I got classes and lab sessions about all the classical formal methods techniques. I did my PhD in a formal methods lab, going to a bunch of seminars and conferences. And even if my PhD was on the theory of distributed computing, which takes a lot from computability and complexity theory, it’s also the field that spurned the invention of formal methods and the analysis of algorithms as this is pretty much the only way of creating distributed algorithms that work.
All of that to clarify that I’m talking from some amount of expertise here. And my reaction is that formal methods have two big problems: they’re abysmally slow, and they’re abysmally weak, at least compared to the task of verifying an AGI.
On the slow part, it took two years for researchers to formally verify Compcert, a C compiler that actually can’t compile the whole C specification. It’s still an amazing accomplishment, but that gives you an idea of the timescale of formal verification.
You could of course answer that CompCert was verified “by hand” using proof assistants, and that we can leverage more automatic methods like model checking or abstract interpretation. But there’s a reason why none of these approaches was used to certify a whole compiler: they’re clearly not up to the task currently.
Which brings us to the weak part. The most relevant thing here is that you need a specification to apply formal methods. And providing a specification for alignment would be on par with proving P != NP. Not saying it’s impossible, just that it’s clearly so hard that you nee to show a lot of evidence to convince people that you did. (I’m interested if you feel you have evidence for that ^^)
And even then, the complexity of the specification would without a doubt far exceeds what can be checked using current methods.
I also see that you’re saying formal methods help you design stuff. That sounds very wrong to me. Sure, you can use formal methods if you want to test your spec, but it’s so costly with modern software that basically no one considers it worth it except cases where there’s a risk of death (think stuff like airplanes). And the big problem with AGI is that a lot of the people running for it don’t understand that it involves risks of death and worse. So a technology that is completely useless to make their model stronger, and only serves to catch errors that lead to death has no value for people who don’t believe in the possibility of critical error in their software.
But maybe the last and final point is that, sure, it will require a lot of work and time, but doing it through formal methods will provide guarantees that we can hardly get from any other source. I sympathise with that, but like almost all researchers here, my answer is “Deep Learning seem to be going there far sooner than the formal methods, so I’m going to deal with aligning the kind of system we’re linkely to get in 15~30 years, not the ones that we could at best get in a century or two.
(Sorry if you feel I’m strawmanning you, I have quite strong opinions on the complete irrelevance of formal methods for alignment. ^^)
I think I will need to write two separate replies to address the points you raise. First, a more meta-level and autobiographical reply.
When it comes to formal methods, I too have a good idea of what I am talking about. I did a lot of formal methods stuff in the 1990 at Eindhoven University, which at the time was a one of the places with the most formal methods in the Netherlands.
When I talk about using formal methods to design stuff, I am very serious. But I guess this is not the role of formal methods you are used to, so I’ll elaborate.
The type of formal methods use I am referring to was popular in the late 1970s to at least the 1990s, not sure how popular it is now. It can be summarized by Dijkstra’s slogan of “designing proof and program hand in hand”.
This approach stands in complete opposite to the approach of using a theorem prover to verify existing code after it was written.
In simple cases, the designing hand-in-hand approach works as follows: you start with a mathematical specification of the properties you want the program to be written to have. Then you use this specification to guide both the writing of the code and the writing of the correctness proof for the code at the same time. The writing of the next line in the proof will often tell you exactly what next lines of code you need to add. This often leads to code which much more clearly expresses what is going on. The whole code and proof writing process can often be done without even leveraging a theorem prover.
In more complex cases, you first have to develop the mathematical language to write the specification in. These complex cases are of course the more fun and interesting cases. AGI safety is one such more complex case.
You mention distributed computing. This is one area where the hand-in-hand style of formal methods use is particularly useful, because the method of intuitive trial and error sucks so much at writing correct distributed code. Hand-in-hand methods are useful if you want to design distributed systems protocols that are proven to be deadlock-free, or have related useful properties. (The Owicki-Gries method was a popular generic approach for this type of thing in the 1990, not sure if it is still mentioned often.)
In the late 1990s, I considered the career option of joining academia full-time to work on formal methods. But in the end, I felt that the academic field was insufficiently interested in scaling up beyond toy problems, while there was also insufficient demand-pull from industry or industry regulators. (This never advancing beyond toy problems is course a common complaint about academic CS, it does not usually pay in academia to work on problems larger than the page limit of a conference paper.) In any case, in the late 1990s I abandoned the idea of a career in the formal methods field. Instead, I have done various other things in internet engineering, big science, and industry R&D. I do feel that in all these cases, my formal methods background often often helped me design stuff better, and write more clear system specifications.
The reason I got into independent AGI safety research a few years ago is because a) after working in industry for a long time, I had enough money that I could spend some time doing whatever I liked, including writing papers without caring about a page limit, and b) (more very relevant to this discussion) after scanning various fun open research problems, I felt that the open problems in AGI safety were particularly tractable to the formal methods approach. Specifically, to the approach where you construct programs and proofs hand in hand without even bothering with theorem provers.
So compared to you, I have the exact opposite opinion on about the applicability of formal methods to AGI safety.
I intend to back up this opinion by giving you a list of various formal methods based work which has advanced the field of AGI safety, but I’ll do that in a later reply.
The key to progress is that you specify various useful ‘safety properties’ only, which you then aim to construct/prove. Small steps! It would be pretty useless to try to specify the sum total of all current and future human goals and morality in one single step.
This is of course the usual Very American complaint about formal methods.
However, if I compare AGI to airplanes, I can note that, compared to airplaine disasters, potential AGI disasters have an even bigger worst-case risk of producing mass death. So by implication, everybody should consider it worth the expense to apply formal methods to AGI risk management. In this context, 2 person years to construct a useful safety proof should be considered money well spent.
Finding the money is a somewhat separate problem.
I don’t agree with the picture you are painting here. The companies most obviously running for AGI, DeepMind and OpenAI, have explicit safety teams inside of them and they say all the right things about alignment risks on their websites. Also, there is significant formal methods based work coming out of DeepMind, from people like Hutter and Everitt.
Thanks for explaining your point in more details.
I’m also aware of this approach; it is just about as intractable in my opinion and experience than the “check afterward”. You still need the specification, which is one of my big arguments against the usefulness of formal methods to alignment. Also, such methods followed strongly are hardly “faster” than using a theorem prover — they are about emulating the sort of thing a theorem prover does while writing the program! Actually, I wonder if this is not just equivalent to writing the proof in Coq and generating the corresponding program. (To be fair, I expect you’ll gain an order of magnitude over Coq proofs because you don’t have to go that anally over that many details; but an order of magnitude or two better than Coq proof is still incredibly slow when compared to the speed of software development, let alone ML!)
One really important detail that is missing from your description is the incredible simplicity of distributed programs (where I actually mean distributed, not the concurrent you seem to imply) and yet they are tremendously difficult to certify and/or come up with hand and hand in proof. Like the most advanced distributed algorithms in use are probably simpler in terms of code and what happens than the second or third project someone has to code in their first software engineering class. So I hardly see why I should generalize with any confidence from “we manage to design through proofs programs that are simpler that literally what any non-distributed computing programmer writes” to “we’re going to design through proof the most advanced and complex program that ever existed, orders of magnitudes more complex than the most complex current systems”.
Sure — my point is that useful safety properties are incredibly hard to specify at that level. I’m of course interested of examples to the contrary. ;)
Actually, this is a complain by basically every researcher and big shot in academic formal methods that I ever heard talk. They all want to defend formal methods, but they all have to acknowledge that:
Basically no one ask for formal check or proof-based algorithms until they really have to, because it costs them a shitton of money and time.
And even after they get the formal guarantees, no one change their mind and think this was a good investment because it so rarely make the product better in any externally observable way.
You’re missing my point: most of the people developing AGI don’t believe in any potential AGI disasters. They don’t have the availability of plane crashes and regulations to be “okay, we probably have to check this”. If we had such formal methods backed approaches, I could see DeepMind potentially using it, maybe OpenAI, but not chinese labs or all the competitors we don’t know about. And the fact that it would slow down whoever uses it for 2 years would be a strong incentive for even the aligned places to not use it, or lose the race and risk having an even worsely unaligned AGI released into the world.
I disagree that AI code is orders of magnitude more complex than say the code in a web browser or modern compiler: in fact quite the opposite applies. Most modern ML algorithms are very short pieces of code. If you are willing to use somewhat abstract math where you do not write out all the hyperparameter values, you can specify everything that goes on in a deep learning algorithm in only a few lines of pseudocode. Same goes for most modern RL algorithms.
I also note that while modern airplanes contain millions of lines of code, most of it is in the on-board entertainment systems. But the safety-critical subsystems in airplanes them tend to be significantly smaller in code size, and they also run air-gapped from the on-board entertainment system code. This air-gapping of course plays an important role in making the formal proofs for the safety-critical subsystems possible.
But beyond these observations: the main point I am trying to get across is that I do not value formal methods as a post-hoc verification tool that should be applied to millions of lines of code, some of it spaghetti code put together via trial and error. Clearly that approach would not work very well.
I value formal methods as a tool for the aligned AI code specification and design phases.
On the design phase: formal methods offer me a way to create many alternative and clarifying viewpoints on what the code is doing or intending to do, viewpoints not offered by the text of the code itself. For example, formally expressed loop invariants can express much more clearly what is going on in a loop than the loop code itself. Global invariants that I can formulate for distributed system state can allow me to express more clearly how the protocols I design manage to avoid deadlock than the code itself. So the main value if the hand-in-hand method, as a code design method, is that you can develop these clarifying mathematical viewpoints, even before you start writing the code. (Not all programmers are necessarily good at using formal methods to clarify what they are doing, or to accelerate their work. I have heard a formal tool vendor say that formal methods based tools only make the top 10% of programmers in any development organisation more productive.)
On the specification phase: formal methods can allow me to express safety properties I seek for AGI systems in a much more clear and precise way than any piece of code can, or any natural language statement can.
No, the the design flow here is that alignment researchers spend these 2 years of time using formal methods to develop and publish AGI safety mechanisms right now, before anybody invents viable AGI. The designs we develop should then preferably take far less than 2 years, and no deep mathematical skills, to combine with an AGI-level ML algorithm, if one ever invents one.
OK, I really need to post the promised list of list of alignment papers were formal methods are actually used in the clarifying design-tool way I describe above. Talking about it in the abstract is probably not the best way to get my points across. (I am in the middle of attending virtual NeurIPS, so I have not found the time yet to compile the promised list of papers.)
BTW, bit of a side issue: I do not have an x-risk fault tree model where I assume that a ‘chinese lab’ is automatically going to be less careful than a ‘western lab’, But as a rhetorical shorthand I see what you are saying.
OK, here is the promised list formal methods based work which has advanced the field of AGI safety. So these are specific examples to to back up my earlier meta-level remarks where I said that formal methods are and have been useful for AGI safety.
To go back to the Wikipedia quote:
There are plenty of people in CS who are inspired by this thought: if we can design safer bridges by using the tool of mathematical analysis, why not software?
First, some background comments about formal methods in ML
In modern ML, there are a lot of people who use mathematical analysis in an attempt to better understand or characterize the performance of ML algorithms. Such people have in fact been there since the start of AI as a field.
I am attending NeurIPS 2021, and there are lots of papers which are all about this use of formal methods, or have sections which are all about this. To pick a random example, there is ‘Provable Guarantees for Self-Supervised Deep Learning with Spectral Contrastive Loss’ (preprint here) where the abstract says things like
(I have not actually read the paper. I am just using this as a random example.)
In general, my sense is that in the ML community right now, there is a broad feeling that mathematical analysis still needs to have some breakthrough before it can say truly useful things, truly useful things when it comes to safety engineering, for AIs that use deep neural networks.
If you read current ML research papers on ‘provable guarantees’ and then get very unexited, or even deeply upset at how many simplifying assumptions the authors are making in order to allow for any proofs at all, I will not blame you. My sense is also that different groups of ML researchers disagree about how likely such future mathematical breakthroughs will be.
As there is plenty of academic and commercial interest in this formal methods sub-field of ML, I am not currently working in it myself, and I do not follow it closely. As an independent researcher, I have the freedom to look elsewhere.
I am looking in a different formal methods corner, one where I abstract away from the details of any specific ML algorithm. I then try to create well-defined safety mechanisms which produce provable safety properties, properties which apply no matter what ML algorithm is used. This ties back into what I said earlier:
The list
So here is an annotated list of some formal methods based work which has, in my view, advanced the field of AGI safety. (To save me some time, I will not add any hyperlinks, pasting the title into google usually works.)
Hutter’s AIXI model, ‘Universal algorithmic intelligence: A mathematical top down approach’ models superintelligence in a usefully universal way.
I need to point out however that the age-old π∗ optimal-policy concept in MDPs also models superintelligence in a usefully universal way, but at a higher level of abstraction.
MIRI’s 2015 paper ‘Corrigibility’ makes useful contributions to defining provable safety properties, though it then also reports failure in the effort of attempting to design an agent that provably satisfies them. At a history-of-ideas level, what it interesting here is that 2015 MIRI seemed to have been very much into using formal methods to make progress on alignment, but 2021 MIRI seems to feel that there is much less promise to the approach. Or at least, going by recently posted discussions, 2021 Yudkowsky seems to have lost all hope that these methods will end up saving the world. My own opinion is much more like 2015 MIRI than it is like 2021 MIRI. Modulo of course the idea that people meditating on HPMOR is a uniquely promising approach to solving alignment. I have never much felt he appeal of that approach myself. I think you have argued recently that 2021 Yudkowsky has also become less enthusiastic about the idea.
The above 2015 MIRI paper owes a lot to Armstrong’s 2015 ‘Motivated value selection for artificial agents’, the first official academic-style paper about Armstrong’s indifference methods. This paper arguably gets a bit closer to describing an agent design that provably meets the safety properties in the MIRI paper. The paper gets closer if we squint just right and interpret Armstrong’s 2005 somewhat ambiguous conditional probability notation for defining counterfactuals in just the right way.
My 2019 paper ‘Corrigibility with Utility Preservation’ in fact can be read to show how you need to squint in just the right way if you want to use Armstrong’s indifference methods to create provable corrigibility related safety properties. The paper also clarifies a lot of questions about agent self-knowledge and emerging self-preservation incentives. Especially because of this second theme, the level of math in this paper tends to be more than what most people can or want to deal with.
In my 2020 ‘AGI Agent Safety by Iteratively Improving the Utility Function’ I use easier and more conventional MDP math to define a corrigible (for a definition of corrigibility) agent using Armstrong’s indifference methods as a basis. This paper also shows some results and design ideas going beyond stop buttons and indifference methods.
In my 2021 ‘Counterfactual Planning in AGI Systems’ I again expand on some of these themes, developing a different mathematical lens which I feel clarifies several much broader issues, and makes the math more accessible.
Orseau and Armstrong’s 2016 ‘Safely interruptible agents’ is often the go-to cite when people want to cite Armstrong’s indifference methods. In fact it formulates and proves (for some ML systems) a related ‘safely interruptable’ safety property, a property which we also want to have if we apply a design like indifference methods.
More recent work which expands on safe interruptability is the 2021 ‘How RL Agents Behave When Their Actions Are Modified’ by Langlois and Everitt.
Everitt and Hutter’s 2016 ‘Self-modification of policy and utility function in rational agents’ also deals with agent self-knowledge and emerging self-preservation incentives, but like my above 2019 paper which also deals with the topic, the math tends to be a bit too much for many people.
Carey, Everitt, et al. 2021 ‘Agent Incentives: A Causal Perspective’ has (the latest version of) a definition of causal influence diagrams and some safety properties we might define by using them. The careful mathematical definitions provided in the paper use Pearl’s style of defining causal graphs, which is again too much for some people. I have tried to offer a more accessible introduction and definitional framework here.
Everitt et al’s 2019 ‘Reward Tampering Problems and Solutions in Reinforcement Learning: A Causal Influence Diagram Perspective’ uses the tools defined above to take a broader look at various safety mechanisms and their implied safety properties.
The 2020 ‘Asymptotically unambitious artificial general intelligence’ by Cohen et al designs a generic system where a uncertain-about-goals agent can call a mentor, and then proves some bounds for it.
I also need to mention the 2017 ‘The Off-Switch Game’ by Hadfield-Menell et al. Like the 2015 MIRI paper on corrigibility, this paper ends up noting that it has clarified some problems, but without solving all of them.
There is lots of other work, but this should give you an idea of what I mean with formal methods work that defines useful AGI safety properties in a mathematically precise way.
Overall, given the results in the above work, I feel that formal methods are well underway in clarifying how one might define useful AGI safety properties, and how we might built them into AGI agents, if AGI agents are ever developed.
But it is also clear from recent comments like this one that Yudkowsky feels that no progress has been made. Yudkowsky is not alone in having this opinion.
I feel quite the opposite, but there is only a limited amount of time that I am willing to invest in convincing Yudkowsky, or any other participants on this forum, that a lot of problems in alignment and embeddedness are much more tractable than they seem to believe.
In fact, in the last 6 months or so, I have sometimes felt that the intellectually interesting open purely mathematical problems have been solved to such an extent that I need to expand the scope of my research hobby. Sure, formal methods research on characterizing and improving specific ML algorithms could still use some breakthroughs, but this is not the kind of math that I am interested in working on as a self-funded independent researcher. So I have recently become more interested in advancing the policy parts of the alignment problem. As a preview, see my paper here, for which I still need to write an alignment forum post.