To see this, note that the AI currently, when it’s first created, uses BadImplUtility. [...] “If I changed my utility function to GoodImplUtility, then I would not pursue that super-ultra-high-scoring possible world. Thus, the future would not score extremely high according to my current utility function.”
But BadImplUtility(X) is the same as SpecUtility(X) and GoodImplUtility(X), it’s only different on argument W, not on arguments X and Y. When reasoning about X and Y with BadImplUtility, the result is therefore the same as when reasoning about these possible worlds with GoodImplUtility. In particular, an explanation of how BadImplUtility compares X and Y can’t appeal to BadImplUtility(W) any more than an explanation of how GoodImplUtility compares them would appeal to BadImplUtility(W). Is SpecUtility(X) higher than SpecUtility(Y), or SpecUtility(Y) higher than SpecUtility(X)? The answer for BadImplUtility is going to be the same.
But BadImplUtility(X) is the same as SpecUtility(X) and GoodImplUtility(X), it’s only different on argument W, not on arguments X and Y.
That is correct. And, to be clear, if the AI had not yet discovered error-causing world W, then the AI would indeed be incentivized to take corrective action to change BadImplUtility to better resemble SpecUtility.
The issue is that this requires the AI to both think of the possibility of hardware-level exploits causing problems with its utility function, as well as manage to take corrective action, all before actually thinking of W.
If the AI has already thought of W, then it’s too late to take preventative action to avoid world X. The AI is already in it. It already sees that BadImplUtility(W) is huge, and, if I’m reasoning correctly, would pursue W.
And I’m not sure the AI would be able to fix its utility function before thinking of W. I think planning algorithms are designed to come up with high-scoring possible worlds as efficiently as possible. BadImplUtility(X) and BadImplUtility(Y) don’t score particularly highly, so an AI with a very powerful planning algorithm might find W before X or Y. Even if it does come up with X and Y before W, and tries to act to avoid X, that doesn’t mean it would succeed in correcting its utility function before its planning algorithm comes across W.
Such things rarely happen on their own, a natural bug would most likely crash the whole system or break something unimportant. Given that even a broken AI has an incentive to fix bugs in its cognition, it most likely has plenty of opportunity to succeed in that. It’s only if the AI wanted to hack itself that it would become a plausible problem, and my point is that it doesn’t want that, instead it wants to prevent even unlikely problems from causing trouble.
Well, for regular, non-superintelligent programs, such hardware-exploiting things would rarely happen on their own. However, I’m not so sure it would be rare with superintelligent optimizers.
It’s true that if the AI queried its utility function for the desirability of the world “I exploit a hardware bug to do something that seems arbitrary”, it would answer “low utility”. But that result would not necessarily be used in the AI’s planning or optimization algorithm to adjust the search policy to avoid running into W.
Just imagine an optimization algorithm as a black box that takes as input a utility function and search space and returns the a solution that scores as high on that function as possible. And imagine the AI uses this to find high-scoring future worlds. So, if you know nothing else about the optimization algorithm, then it would plausibly find, and return, W. It’s a very high-scoring world, after all. If the optimization algorithm did something special to avoid finding hardware-bug exploiting solutions, then it might not find W. But I’ve never heard of such an optimization algorithm.
Now, there’s probably some way to design such an optimization algorithm. Maybe you could have the AI periodically use its utility function to evaluate the expected utility of its optimization algorithm continuing down a certain path. And then if the AI sees this could result in problematic futures (for example due to hardware-hacking), the AI can make its optimization algorithm avoid searching there).
But I haven’t seen anyone talking about this. Is there still something I’m missing?
Problems with software that systematically trigger hardware failure and software bugs causing data corruption can be mitigated with hardening techniques, things like building software with randomized low-level choices, more checks, canaries, etc. Random hardware failure can be fixed with redundancy, and multiple differently-randomized builds of software can be used to error-correct for data corruption bugs sensitive to low-level building choices. This is not science fiction, just not worth setting up in most situations. If the AI doesn’t go crazy immediately, it might introduce some of these things if they were not already there, as well as proofread, test, and formally verify all code, so the chance of such low-level failures goes further down. And these are just the things that can be done without rewriting the code entirely (including toolchains, OS, microcode, hardware, etc.), which should help even more.
You’re right that the AI could do things to make it more resistant to hardware bugs. However, as I’ve said, this would both require the AI to realize that it could run into problems with hardware bugs, and then take action to make it more reliable, all before its search algorithm finds the error-causing world.
Without knowing more about the nature of the AI’s intelligence, I don’t see how we could know this would happen. The more powerful the AI is, the more quickly it would be able to realize and correct hardware-induced problems. However, the more powerful the AI is, the more quickly it would be able to find the error-inducing world. So it doesn’t seem you can simply rely on the AI’s intelligence to avoid the problem.
Now, to a human, the idea “My AI might run into problems with hardware bugs” would come up way earlier in the search space than the actual error-inducing world. But the AI’s intelligence might be rather different from the humans’. Maybe the AI is really good and fast at solving small technical problems like “find an input to this function that makes it return 999999999″. But maybe it’s not as fast at doing somewhat higher-level planning, like, “I really ought to work on fixing hardware bugs in my utility function”.
Also, I just want to bring up, I read that preserving one’s utility function was a universal AI drive. But we’ve already shown that an AI would be incentivized to fix its utility function to avoid the outputs caused by hardware-level unreliability (if it hasn’t found such error-causing inputs yet). Is that universal AI drive wrong, then?
Damage to AI’s implementation makes the abstractions of its design leak. If somehow without the damage it was clear that a certain part of it describes goals, with the damage it’s no longer clear. If without the damage, the AI was a consequentialist agent, with the damage it may behave in non-agentic ways. By repairing the damage, the AI may recover its design and restore a part that clearly describes its goals, which might or might not coincide with the goals before the damage took place.
But BadImplUtility(X) is the same as SpecUtility(X) and GoodImplUtility(X), it’s only different on argument W, not on arguments X and Y. When reasoning about X and Y with BadImplUtility, the result is therefore the same as when reasoning about these possible worlds with GoodImplUtility. In particular, an explanation of how BadImplUtility compares X and Y can’t appeal to BadImplUtility(W) any more than an explanation of how GoodImplUtility compares them would appeal to BadImplUtility(W). Is SpecUtility(X) higher than SpecUtility(Y), or SpecUtility(Y) higher than SpecUtility(X)? The answer for BadImplUtility is going to be the same.
That is correct. And, to be clear, if the AI had not yet discovered error-causing world W, then the AI would indeed be incentivized to take corrective action to change BadImplUtility to better resemble SpecUtility.
The issue is that this requires the AI to both think of the possibility of hardware-level exploits causing problems with its utility function, as well as manage to take corrective action, all before actually thinking of W.
If the AI has already thought of W, then it’s too late to take preventative action to avoid world X. The AI is already in it. It already sees that BadImplUtility(W) is huge, and, if I’m reasoning correctly, would pursue W.
And I’m not sure the AI would be able to fix its utility function before thinking of W. I think planning algorithms are designed to come up with high-scoring possible worlds as efficiently as possible. BadImplUtility(X) and BadImplUtility(Y) don’t score particularly highly, so an AI with a very powerful planning algorithm might find W before X or Y. Even if it does come up with X and Y before W, and tries to act to avoid X, that doesn’t mean it would succeed in correcting its utility function before its planning algorithm comes across W.
Such things rarely happen on their own, a natural bug would most likely crash the whole system or break something unimportant. Given that even a broken AI has an incentive to fix bugs in its cognition, it most likely has plenty of opportunity to succeed in that. It’s only if the AI wanted to hack itself that it would become a plausible problem, and my point is that it doesn’t want that, instead it wants to prevent even unlikely problems from causing trouble.
Well, for regular, non-superintelligent programs, such hardware-exploiting things would rarely happen on their own. However, I’m not so sure it would be rare with superintelligent optimizers.
It’s true that if the AI queried its utility function for the desirability of the world “I exploit a hardware bug to do something that seems arbitrary”, it would answer “low utility”. But that result would not necessarily be used in the AI’s planning or optimization algorithm to adjust the search policy to avoid running into W.
Just imagine an optimization algorithm as a black box that takes as input a utility function and search space and returns the a solution that scores as high on that function as possible. And imagine the AI uses this to find high-scoring future worlds. So, if you know nothing else about the optimization algorithm, then it would plausibly find, and return, W. It’s a very high-scoring world, after all. If the optimization algorithm did something special to avoid finding hardware-bug exploiting solutions, then it might not find W. But I’ve never heard of such an optimization algorithm.
Now, there’s probably some way to design such an optimization algorithm. Maybe you could have the AI periodically use its utility function to evaluate the expected utility of its optimization algorithm continuing down a certain path. And then if the AI sees this could result in problematic futures (for example due to hardware-hacking), the AI can make its optimization algorithm avoid searching there).
But I haven’t seen anyone talking about this. Is there still something I’m missing?
Problems with software that systematically trigger hardware failure and software bugs causing data corruption can be mitigated with hardening techniques, things like building software with randomized low-level choices, more checks, canaries, etc. Random hardware failure can be fixed with redundancy, and multiple differently-randomized builds of software can be used to error-correct for data corruption bugs sensitive to low-level building choices. This is not science fiction, just not worth setting up in most situations. If the AI doesn’t go crazy immediately, it might introduce some of these things if they were not already there, as well as proofread, test, and formally verify all code, so the chance of such low-level failures goes further down. And these are just the things that can be done without rewriting the code entirely (including toolchains, OS, microcode, hardware, etc.), which should help even more.
You’re right that the AI could do things to make it more resistant to hardware bugs. However, as I’ve said, this would both require the AI to realize that it could run into problems with hardware bugs, and then take action to make it more reliable, all before its search algorithm finds the error-causing world.
Without knowing more about the nature of the AI’s intelligence, I don’t see how we could know this would happen. The more powerful the AI is, the more quickly it would be able to realize and correct hardware-induced problems. However, the more powerful the AI is, the more quickly it would be able to find the error-inducing world. So it doesn’t seem you can simply rely on the AI’s intelligence to avoid the problem.
Now, to a human, the idea “My AI might run into problems with hardware bugs” would come up way earlier in the search space than the actual error-inducing world. But the AI’s intelligence might be rather different from the humans’. Maybe the AI is really good and fast at solving small technical problems like “find an input to this function that makes it return 999999999″. But maybe it’s not as fast at doing somewhat higher-level planning, like, “I really ought to work on fixing hardware bugs in my utility function”.
Also, I just want to bring up, I read that preserving one’s utility function was a universal AI drive. But we’ve already shown that an AI would be incentivized to fix its utility function to avoid the outputs caused by hardware-level unreliability (if it hasn’t found such error-causing inputs yet). Is that universal AI drive wrong, then?
Damage to AI’s implementation makes the abstractions of its design leak. If somehow without the damage it was clear that a certain part of it describes goals, with the damage it’s no longer clear. If without the damage, the AI was a consequentialist agent, with the damage it may behave in non-agentic ways. By repairing the damage, the AI may recover its design and restore a part that clearly describes its goals, which might or might not coincide with the goals before the damage took place.