There’s a bit of bait-and-switch with the comparison. The magic window is amazing if it sees parts of the past which we’re interested in (both time and location control, or event selection). It’s much less interesting if it only sees very few parts (well under 0.01%) of the very recent past (last 20-70 years), and only sees the parts that someone happened to capture, which are indexed/promoted enough to come to our attention.
There’s a bit of bait-and-switch with the comparison. The magic window is amazing if it sees parts of the past which we’re interested in (both time and location control, or event selection). It’s much less interesting if it only sees very few parts (well under 0.01%) of the very recent past (last 20-70 years), and only sees the parts that someone happened to capture, which are indexed/promoted enough to come to our attention.
ok yeah, that’s fair! (although even controlling for that, I think the analogy still points at something interesting)
yeah, I like to see “people just living a normal day”; I sometimes look for that, but even that is likely biased