There is an additional important point that needs to be made. Alphafold3 is using predominantly “positive” data. By this I mean the training data encapsulates considerable knowledge of favourable atom-atom or group-group interactions and relative propensities can be deduced. But “negative” data, in other words repulsive electrostatic or Van der Waals interactions, are only encoded by absence because these are naturally not often found in stable biochemical systems. There are no relative propensities available for these interactions. So AF3 can be expected to not perform as well when applied to real-world drug design problems where such interactions have to be taken into account and balanced against each other and against favourable interactions. Again, this issue can be mitigated by creating hybrid physics compliant models.
It is worth also noting that ligand docking is not generally considered a high accuracy technique and, these days is often used to 1st pass screen large molecular databases. The hits from docking are then further assessed using an accurate physics-based method such as Free Energy Perturbation.
There is an additional important point that needs to be made. Alphafold3 is using predominantly “positive” data. By this I mean the training data encapsulates considerable knowledge of favourable atom-atom or group-group interactions and relative propensities can be deduced. But “negative” data, in other words repulsive electrostatic or Van der Waals interactions, are only encoded by absence because these are naturally not often found in stable biochemical systems. There are no relative propensities available for these interactions. So AF3 can be expected to not perform as well when applied to real-world drug design problems where such interactions have to be taken into account and balanced against each other and against favourable interactions. Again, this issue can be mitigated by creating hybrid physics compliant models.
It is worth also noting that ligand docking is not generally considered a high accuracy technique and, these days is often used to 1st pass screen large molecular databases. The hits from docking are then further assessed using an accurate physics-based method such as Free Energy Perturbation.