I’m not really sure how useful this poll is to answer the title question of this post. Indeed, what is evaluated in each cell is the food labeled as “country A” in “country B”, which may or may not be similar to what one would find in country A.
For example, let’s consider the first row. It describes how much each country’s version of italian cuisine is liked within said country, but may not reflect how much anyone would enjoy the food, were they to travel to italy. In particular, I wouldn’t be surprised to see an italian traveling around the world, appalled or amused by what each country labels as italian food.
Actually, in Italy they take quite seriously every attempt to rebrand as “Italian” food from other countries (so-called “Italian Sounding”). My favorite anecdote related to this was a fake italian cheese sold in the US as “pecorino”… with a cow depicted on the wrapper, because they did’t even know the meaning of “pecorino” (from “pecora”, which means sheep).
I’m not really sure how useful this poll is to answer the title question of this post. Indeed, what is evaluated in each cell is the food labeled as “country A” in “country B”, which may or may not be similar to what one would find in country A.
For example, let’s consider the first row. It describes how much each country’s version of italian cuisine is liked within said country, but may not reflect how much anyone would enjoy the food, were they to travel to italy. In particular, I wouldn’t be surprised to see an italian traveling around the world, appalled or amused by what each country labels as italian food.
That is certainly true of “English” or “European” food as served in both Japan and India.
Actually, in Italy they take quite seriously every attempt to rebrand as “Italian” food from other countries (so-called “Italian Sounding”). My favorite anecdote related to this was a fake italian cheese sold in the US as “pecorino”… with a cow depicted on the wrapper, because they did’t even know the meaning of “pecorino” (from “pecora”, which means sheep).