Important question that could be its own post. The number is huge, the reviews give you important context where you want to look for people showing big upside and especially for those giving bad reviews WHY are they doing that? If the complaints are about non-food issues or aspects you don’t care about then that is a very good sign and can make up for a lot. And you get pictures, which you learn to read, and access to the menu, etc.
Important question that could be its own post. The number is huge, the reviews give you important context where you want to look for people showing big upside and especially for those giving bad reviews WHY are they doing that? If the complaints are about non-food issues or aspects you don’t care about then that is a very good sign and can make up for a lot. And you get pictures, which you learn to read, and access to the menu, etc.
I’d be interested in the full post!