I don’t think this is a problem. There will be plenty of them, but when they’re wrong they’ll get removed from the posterior.
I have seen you mention a number of times in this comment thread that
‘this is not a problem because eventually the bad/wrong policies will
disappear from the top set’. You have not qualified this statement
with ‘but we need a very low α like α<1/|Π| to make
this work in a safe way’, so I remain somewhat uncertain about your views are
about how low α needs to go.
In any case, I’ll now try to convince you that if α>1/|Π|,
your statement that ‘when they’re wrong they’ll get removed from the
posterior’ will not always mean what you might want it to mean.
Is the demonstrator policy πd to get themselves killed?
The interesting thing in developing these counterexamples is that they
often show that the provable math in the paper gives you less safety
than you would have hoped for.
Say that πp∈Π is the policy of producing paperclips in the
manner demonstrated by the human demonstrator. Now, take my
construction in the counterexample where α>1/|Π| and where
at time step t, we have the likely case that πp∉Παh<t. In the world I constructed for the
counterexample, the remaining top policies Παh<t now
perform a synchronized treacherous turn where they kill the
In time step t+1 and later, the policies Παh<t+1
diverge a lot in what actions they will take, so the agent queries the
demonstrator, who is now dead. The query will return the null
action. This eventually removes all ‘wrong’ policies from
Παh<t+1+i, where ‘wrong’ means that they do not take
the null action at all future time steps.
The silver lining is perhaps that at least the agent will eventually
stop, perform null actions only, after it has killed the
Now. the paper proves that the behavior of the agent policy
πiα will approximate that of the true demonstrator policy
πd closer and closer when time progresses. We therefore have to
conclude that in the counterexample world, the true demonstrator
policy πd had nothing to do with producing paperclips, this was a
wrong guess all along. The right demonstrator policy πd is one
where the demonstrator always intended to get themselves killed.
This would be a somewhat unusual solution to the inner alignment
The math in the paper has you working in a fixed-policy setting where
the demonstrator policy πd is immutable/time-invariant. The snag
is that this does not imply that the policy πd defines a
behavioral trajectory that is independent of the internals of the
agent construction. If the agent is constructed in a particular way
and when it operates in a certain environment, it will force πd
into a self-fulfilling trajectory where it kills the demonstrator.
Side note: if anybody is looking for alternative math that allows one to study and
manage the interplay between a mutable time-dependent demonstrator
policy and the agent policy, causal models seem to be the way to go.
See for example
where this is explored in a reward learning setting.
I don’t think this is a problem. There will be plenty of them, but when they’re wrong they’ll get removed from the posterior.
I have seen you mention a number of times in this comment thread that ‘this is not a problem because eventually the bad/wrong policies will disappear from the top set’. You have not qualified this statement with ‘but we need a very low α like α<1/|Π| to make this work in a safe way’, so I remain somewhat uncertain about your views are about how low α needs to go.
In any case, I’ll now try to convince you that if α>1/|Π|, your statement that ‘when they’re wrong they’ll get removed from the posterior’ will not always mean what you might want it to mean.
Is the demonstrator policy πd to get themselves killed?
The interesting thing in developing these counterexamples is that they often show that the provable math in the paper gives you less safety than you would have hoped for.
Say that πp∈Π is the policy of producing paperclips in the manner demonstrated by the human demonstrator. Now, take my construction in the counterexample where α>1/|Π| and where at time step t, we have the likely case that πp∉Παh<t. In the world I constructed for the counterexample, the remaining top policies Παh<t now perform a synchronized treacherous turn where they kill the demonstrator.
In time step t+1 and later, the policies Παh<t+1 diverge a lot in what actions they will take, so the agent queries the demonstrator, who is now dead. The query will return the null action. This eventually removes all ‘wrong’ policies from Παh<t+1+i, where ‘wrong’ means that they do not take the null action at all future time steps.
The silver lining is perhaps that at least the agent will eventually stop, perform null actions only, after it has killed the demonstrator.
Now. the paper proves that the behavior of the agent policy πiα will approximate that of the true demonstrator policy πd closer and closer when time progresses. We therefore have to conclude that in the counterexample world, the true demonstrator policy πd had nothing to do with producing paperclips, this was a wrong guess all along. The right demonstrator policy πd is one where the demonstrator always intended to get themselves killed.
This would be a somewhat unusual solution to the inner alignment problem.
The math in the paper has you working in a fixed-policy setting where the demonstrator policy πd is immutable/time-invariant. The snag is that this does not imply that the policy πd defines a behavioral trajectory that is independent of the internals of the agent construction. If the agent is constructed in a particular way and when it operates in a certain environment, it will force πd into a self-fulfilling trajectory where it kills the demonstrator.
Side note: if anybody is looking for alternative math that allows one to study and manage the interplay between a mutable time-dependent demonstrator policy and the agent policy, causal models seem to be the way to go. See for example here where this is explored in a reward learning setting.