Everyone has one non-trum toy that produces double-noise, for them, regardless of age. trum produces double-noise if someone else in your family also received a trum this year.
Give sloo to young, gah to old, who to female, fum to male, and trum to separate families. Do not give doublers.
e.g. [doubler | give them these] Andy Sue Who 12 M 1550 sloo | gah fum Betty Drew Who 11 F 1551 fum | gah who Sally Sue Who 11 F 1552 fum | who trum Phoebe Drew Who 9 F 1553 sloo | who blum Freddie Lou Who 8 M 1554 sloo | fum trum Eddie Sue Who 8 M 1555 who | fum blum Cindy Drew Who 6 F 1556 who | trum blum Mary Lou Who 6 F 1557 gah | sloo who Ollie Lou Who 5 M 1558 fum | sloo blum Johnny Drew Who 4 M 1559 blum | sloo fum
blum: 6
fum: 8(F), 4(M)
gah: 11-age/2
sloo: 5+age/2
trum: 5
who: 5(F), 9(M)
Everyone has one non-trum toy that produces double-noise, for them, regardless of age.
trum produces double-noise if someone else in your family also received a trum this year.
Give sloo to young, gah to old, who to female, fum to male, and trum to separate families. Do not give doublers.
e.g. [doubler | give them these]
Andy Sue Who 12 M 1550 sloo | gah fum
Betty Drew Who 11 F 1551 fum | gah who
Sally Sue Who 11 F 1552 fum | who trum
Phoebe Drew Who 9 F 1553 sloo | who blum
Freddie Lou Who 8 M 1554 sloo | fum trum
Eddie Sue Who 8 M 1555 who | fum blum
Cindy Drew Who 6 F 1556 who | trum blum
Mary Lou Who 6 F 1557 gah | sloo who
Ollie Lou Who 5 M 1558 fum | sloo blum
Johnny Drew Who 4 M 1559 blum | sloo fum