At an absolute, utter minimum, move the subclause about how what’s-his-name anglicised the Hungarian into a footnote, or the bibliography, or a biographical appendix, or a Wikipedia article, or for dog’s sake the Author’s Notes to the next HPMOR chapter, or a random thought that Harry has and then wonders why he is considering such a total irrelevancy.
Or … what about I write it in a comment, then … I put it all in the smallest font. Then I edit the comment not to include it anymore, then I retract the comment and then a mod deletes the comment?
Or … what about I write it in a comment, then … I put it all in the smallest font. Then I edit the comment not to include it anymore, then I retract the comment and then a mod deletes the comment?
Or are you gonna spank me too, then. :-o
If you want a spanking all you have to do is ask. No need for elaborate bratting. :)