Upon further reflection: that big 3 lab soft nationalization scenario I speculated about will happen only if the recommendations end up being implemented with a minimum degree of competence. That is far from guaranteed to happen. Another possible implementation (which at this point I would not be all that surprised if it ended up happening) is “the Executive picks just one lab for some dumb political reason, hands them a ton of money under a vague contract, and then fails to provide any significant oversight”.
Upon further reflection: that big 3 lab soft nationalization scenario I speculated about will happen only if the recommendations end up being implemented with a minimum degree of competence. That is far from guaranteed to happen. Another possible implementation (which at this point I would not be all that surprised if it ended up happening) is “the Executive picks just one lab for some dumb political reason, hands them a ton of money under a vague contract, and then fails to provide any significant oversight”.