Oh, so by “Will” you mean “any account controlled by Will” not “the account called Will_Newsome”. I think everyone else interpreted it as the latter.
Nick, it was pretty obvious to me that lessdazed and CuSithBell meant the person Will, not “any account controlled by Will” or “the account called Will_Newsome”—it doesn’t matter if the person would be using an account in order to lie, or an email in order to lie, or Morse code in order to lie, just that they would be lying.
It was “obvious” to me that lessdazed didn’t mean that and it would’ve been obvious to me that CuSithBell did mean that if I hadn’t been primed to interpret his/her comment in the light of lessdazed’s comment. Looking back I’m still not sure what lessdazed intended, but at this point I’m starting to think he/she meant the same as CuSithBell but unfortunately put an underscore betwen “Will” and “Newsome”, confusing the matter.
Nick, it was pretty obvious to me that lessdazed and CuSithBell meant the person Will, not “any account controlled by Will” or “the account called Will_Newsome”—it doesn’t matter if the person would be using an account in order to lie, or an email in order to lie, or Morse code in order to lie, just that they would be lying.
It was “obvious” to me that lessdazed didn’t mean that and it would’ve been obvious to me that CuSithBell did mean that if I hadn’t been primed to interpret his/her comment in the light of lessdazed’s comment. Looking back I’m still not sure what lessdazed intended, but at this point I’m starting to think he/she meant the same as CuSithBell but unfortunately put an underscore betwen “Will” and “Newsome”, confusing the matter.