I’m more concerned with the social engineering challenge. From my current reading, I gather that EY and the SIAI folks here believe that is all rolled up into the FAI task.
Also, as an aside, I’m curious about the note for theists.
Theists in the usual supernatural sense, not the (rare, and even more rarely called ‘theism’) simulation or future-‘god’ senses.
I’ve always felt this great isolation imposed by my worldview: something one cannot discuss in polite company
It seems to me that there are plenty of open-minded, technical circles in which one can do this, as long as one takes basic care not to sound fanatical.
Welcome to LW!
Not entirely. Less Wrong is about raising the sanity waterline, not just recruiting FAI theorists.
Theists in the usual supernatural sense, not the (rare, and even more rarely called ‘theism’) simulation or future-‘god’ senses.
It seems to me that there are plenty of open-minded, technical circles in which one can do this, as long as one takes basic care not to sound fanatical.