Good news: If you don’t enjoy getting drunk you are not predisposed to become an alcoholic. That means that you likely can drink one glass of wine each afternoon (getting most of the benefits Yvain talks about) and not begin to get drunk.
Given the probable substantial benefits, I think it would be worth your time and money (probably wouldn’t take more than a couple of days and a couple of hundred dollars) to go through a few dozen types of wine to figure out what you most enjoy. If no wine is sufficiently palatable that you think you could consistently drink it a few times a week, go through other sorts of drinks (of which there is a huge variety). Personally, while I don’t enjoy 90% of the drinks I’ve tried, I’m quite partial to Baileys and milk, and to most kinds of fruity drinks—sangrias in particular involve wine and are tasty.
I have a similar taste issue, and after a year and a half of deliberate practice every time I go out with colleagues I’m finally starting to find the taste more tolerable, and even to enjoy a very small subset of alcoholic drinks. That said, I find wine to be the most disgusting in taste and I suspect that even with a lot of practice I’ll never enjoy it enough to voluntarily drink a full glass of it at any time, let alone every day.
Good news: If you don’t enjoy getting drunk you are not predisposed to become an alcoholic. That means that you likely can drink one glass of wine each afternoon (getting most of the benefits Yvain talks about) and not begin to get drunk.
now I just have to get over the fact that I hate the taste of alcohol and most alcoholic beverages, yay longevity?
Given the probable substantial benefits, I think it would be worth your time and money (probably wouldn’t take more than a couple of days and a couple of hundred dollars) to go through a few dozen types of wine to figure out what you most enjoy. If no wine is sufficiently palatable that you think you could consistently drink it a few times a week, go through other sorts of drinks (of which there is a huge variety). Personally, while I don’t enjoy 90% of the drinks I’ve tried, I’m quite partial to Baileys and milk, and to most kinds of fruity drinks—sangrias in particular involve wine and are tasty.
The only drinks I’ve found palatable are either sugary or milky, and I’m both lactose intolerant and dieting to avoid sugar.
I have a similar taste issue, and after a year and a half of deliberate practice every time I go out with colleagues I’m finally starting to find the taste more tolerable, and even to enjoy a very small subset of alcoholic drinks. That said, I find wine to be the most disgusting in taste and I suspect that even with a lot of practice I’ll never enjoy it enough to voluntarily drink a full glass of it at any time, let alone every day.