[What follows is a definitely impractical recommendation, which can hopefully be approximated by more practical actions. For example, you could have voting take place before the bookmaking, so that people only vote on teams, and each team can take more time & effort into making the books because of the guaranteed publishing]
If you want the community to be involved, and you also want lots of books with single visions, then you can have the community vote on a collection of books rather than essays. Top n books get published by Lightcone/LessWrong, and maybe before voting Lightcone/LessWrong provides an impact market like mechanism by which people can buy/sell stocks on which book teams will get in the top n in order to pay people to actually work on the books.
Alternatively, you could brand the books you want under the name Ben Pace rather than LessWrong, like the team does when making comments on LessWrong.
I could, but I’d really like to build up the LW library, not the Ben Pace library. LW’s library sounds like a much cooler library that people would be really keen to read. It’s just hard to figure out how to do that right.
[What follows is a definitely impractical recommendation, which can hopefully be approximated by more practical actions. For example, you could have voting take place before the bookmaking, so that people only vote on teams, and each team can take more time & effort into making the books because of the guaranteed publishing]
If you want the community to be involved, and you also want lots of books with single visions, then you can have the community vote on a collection of books rather than essays. Top n books get published by Lightcone/LessWrong, and maybe before voting Lightcone/LessWrong provides an impact market like mechanism by which people can buy/sell stocks on which book teams will get in the top n in order to pay people to actually work on the books.
Alternatively, you could brand the books you want under the name Ben Pace rather than LessWrong, like the team does when making comments on LessWrong.
I could, but I’d really like to build up the LW library, not the Ben Pace library. LW’s library sounds like a much cooler library that people would be really keen to read. It’s just hard to figure out how to do that right.