Restructuring since the fact that the universe hasn’t been noticeably paperclipped can’t possible be considered evidence for (c).
The universe has either been paperclipped (1) or it hasn’t been (2).
If (1):
(A) we have observed paperclipping and not realized it (someone was really into stars, galaxies and dark matter)
(B) Our universe is the result of paperclipping (theists were right, sort of)
(C) Superintelligences tend not to optimize things that are astronomically visible.
If (2)
(D) Super-intelligences are impossible.
(E) Quantum immortality true.
(F) No intelligent aliens.
(G) Some variety of simulation hypothesis is true.
(H) Galactic aliens exist but have never constructed a super-intelligence do to a well enforced prohibition on AI construction/research, an evolved deficiency in thinking about minds as a physical object (substance dualism is far more difficult for them to avoid than it is for us), or some other reason that we can’t fathom.
(I) Friendliness is easy + Alien ethics doesn’t include any values that lead to us noticing them.
Restructuring since the fact that the universe hasn’t been noticeably paperclipped can’t possible be considered evidence for (c).
The universe has either been paperclipped (1) or it hasn’t been (2).
If (1):
(A) we have observed paperclipping and not realized it (someone was really into stars, galaxies and dark matter)
(B) Our universe is the result of paperclipping (theists were right, sort of)
(C) Superintelligences tend not to optimize things that are astronomically visible.
If (2)
(D) Super-intelligences are impossible.
(E) Quantum immortality true.
(F) No intelligent aliens.
(G) Some variety of simulation hypothesis is true.
(H) Galactic aliens exist but have never constructed a super-intelligence do to a well enforced prohibition on AI construction/research, an evolved deficiency in thinking about minds as a physical object (substance dualism is far more difficult for them to avoid than it is for us), or some other reason that we can’t fathom.
(I) Friendliness is easy + Alien ethics doesn’t include any values that lead to us noticing them.