This is a new one! “Computers will never be able to sort lists of words by arbitrary keys.”
Does it require quantum microtubules in the incomprehensibly complex neuron to leverage uncomputable mental powers that can defy Gödel’s proof or something?
It’s probably because GPT learns on the basis of tokens, not letters, so this doesn’t really tell you much. If you want to find something it can’t do, it’d be more impressive if it were a logic thing, not syntactic thing
Sigh, meanwhile GPT4 can’t arrange months in alphabetical order based on their 4th letter: GPT4 Prompt:
“ Arrange the months in alphabetical order based on their 4th letter
To arrange the months based on the 4th letter in their names, please see the following list:
April (A_p_r_il)
September (S_e_p_tember)
December (D_e_c_ember)
February (F_e_b_ruary)
January (J_a_n_uary)
June (J_u_n_e)
July (J_u_l_y)
November (N_o_v_ember)
August (A_u_g_ust)
October (O_c_t_ober)
May (M_a_y_)
March (M_a_r_ch)
This list starts with April, which has “r” as its fourth letter, and ends with March, which has “r” as its fourth letter as well.
“ When you start probing adversarially you can find many simple tasks that GPT4 sucks at, so let’s maybe just calm down.
This is a new one! “Computers will never be able to sort lists of words by arbitrary keys.”
Does it require quantum microtubules in the incomprehensibly complex neuron to leverage uncomputable mental powers that can defy Gödel’s proof or something?
It’s probably because GPT learns on the basis of tokens, not letters, so this doesn’t really tell you much. If you want to find something it can’t do, it’d be more impressive if it were a logic thing, not syntactic thing