I found one, GPT4 struggles with forming given a set of letters, for example asking it to form a word from the letters of “Croatia” , gave me the answer Carotid which is clearly wrong “aortic” is one solution. Seven letter word from “solution”, it gives me outlins (not a word)
Karma: −29
Sigh, meanwhile GPT4 can’t arrange months in alphabetical order based on their 4th letter: GPT4 Prompt:
“ Arrange the months in alphabetical order based on their 4th letter
To arrange the months based on the 4th letter in their names, please see the following list:
April (A_p_r_il)
September (S_e_p_tember)
December (D_e_c_ember)
February (F_e_b_ruary)
January (J_a_n_uary)
June (J_u_n_e)
July (J_u_l_y)
November (N_o_v_ember)
August (A_u_g_ust)
October (O_c_t_ober)
May (M_a_y_)
March (M_a_r_ch)
This list starts with April, which has “r” as its fourth letter, and ends with March, which has “r” as its fourth letter as well.
“ When you start probing adversarially you can find many simple tasks that GPT4 sucks at, so let’s maybe just calm down.