Would you expect to see retrospectives of cases where they did a good job? If an investigation concludes that “X made these accusations about Y but we determined them to be meritless”, then there are good reasons for neither CEA nor X to bring further attention to those accusations by including them in a public retrospective. Or in cases where accusations are determined to have merit, it may still be that the victims don’t want the case to be discussed in public any more than strictly necessary. Or there may be concerns of a libel suit from the wrongdoer, limiting what can be said openly.
Would you expect to see retrospectives of cases where they did a good job? If an investigation concludes that “X made these accusations about Y but we determined them to be meritless”, then there are good reasons for neither CEA nor X to bring further attention to those accusations by including them in a public retrospective. Or in cases where accusations are determined to have merit, it may still be that the victims don’t want the case to be discussed in public any more than strictly necessary. Or there may be concerns of a libel suit from the wrongdoer, limiting what can be said openly.