I liked this post. I will say it looks like the Facebook/Google+ example is pretty understated here: the story of the article is that Google leadership met in secret to produce documents and reorgs in a dedicated strategy to confront Facebook, whereas the Facebook people just, well, Facebook’d:
And what was everyone working on?
For those in the user-facing side of Facebook, it meant thinking twice on a code change amid the constant, hell-for-leather dash to ship some new product bell or whistle, so we wouldn’t look like the half-assed, thrown-together, social-media Frankenstein we occasionally were.
For us in the Ads team, it was mostly corporate solidarity that made us join the weekend-working mob.
Importantly though, it looks in retrospect like Google+ was dead on arrival. No one ever actually used it for anything. Facebook’s counter-move was to stay the course. Granted, this is not a trivial task in the face of possible upheaval.
I liked this post. I will say it looks like the Facebook/Google+ example is pretty understated here: the story of the article is that Google leadership met in secret to produce documents and reorgs in a dedicated strategy to confront Facebook, whereas the Facebook people just, well, Facebook’d:
Importantly though, it looks in retrospect like Google+ was dead on arrival. No one ever actually used it for anything. Facebook’s counter-move was to stay the course. Granted, this is not a trivial task in the face of possible upheaval.