That’s the second time I’ve heard that piece of advice.
If I desire to make a change that is most likely wanted, not too large a time investment (as I am risking that the change is ignored or rejected), and also the sort of change that can be made by editing the open source (as opposed to, say, an SEO change specific to the text in an article or something), I will consider doing just that.
That’s the second time I’ve heard that piece of advice.
Oops, sorry. I should have realized. My thought process was “If I were Luke, what kind of volunteer help with the site would I prefer?” And the answer is invariably “minimum hassle”.
The other person told me elsewhere. There’s no way you would have known about it. The intended meaning of “That’s the second time...” was “When more than one person tells me something, that makes it seem more likely to be useful.”
My thought process was “If I were Luke, what kind of volunteer help with the site would I prefer?” And the answer is invariably “minimum hassle”.
That’s the second time I’ve heard that piece of advice.
If I desire to make a change that is most likely wanted, not too large a time investment (as I am risking that the change is ignored or rejected), and also the sort of change that can be made by editing the open source (as opposed to, say, an SEO change specific to the text in an article or something), I will consider doing just that.
Oops, sorry. I should have realized. My thought process was “If I were Luke, what kind of volunteer help with the site would I prefer?” And the answer is invariably “minimum hassle”.
The other person told me elsewhere. There’s no way you would have known about it. The intended meaning of “That’s the second time...” was “When more than one person tells me something, that makes it seem more likely to be useful.”
Heh. You’re probably right.