Rashomon—A newsbetting site
Hello Rationalists!
A while ago I created a concept to evaluate political biases that I call “newsbetting” and made a demo site at rashomonnews.com. Essentially, one receives a news article stripped of identifying information (so stuff like title, author, news source, etc) so that they only get the text of the news article. The reader then places a bet on what they believe the political bias of the news source is—far left, left, center, right or far right. The news source evaluations were taken from allsides.com, but the plan was to eventually have users vote on what they believed the bias was for each news source.
I kind of consider the project closed for the time being, but I wanted to share my results with the community here. There’s more data and analysis based off of an initial demo of the site with ~70 users, mostly friends and family.
I understand that “politics is the mindkiller” but I’m hoping it’s obvious why this idea is so suited towards rationalists. This idea was directly based on Robin Hanson’s famous quote “We vote on values, we bet on beliefs” and combines or potentially could have combined many mainstay ideas found in rationalist communities—betting markets, cryptocurrencies, bayesian statistics, a preoccupation with quantification and bias. I’m hoping to hear feedback from the community that inspired the idea, nothing more. It’s a free to use demo site, there’s no actual money involved, it’s just a way to quantify you biases. Obviously, it’s possible to cheat, but I’m hoping this community approaches it in the spirit it was meant to be used in.
Thanks, hope to hear more from the Bayesian perspective regarding this idea.
This is a cool idea, good work putting the site together! I noticed some of the articles reference their publisher e.g. the one about Olivia Nuzzi includes “support HuffPost”, maybe there’s some way you could scrub these?
Thanks for checking it out Jonny! And yes, that is an issue I’ve noticed as well. I do have a filter to try to remove identifying info in the article but it’s pretty spotty. This is one of the things I’d like to improve if I had time and money. But cheers! Appreciate the insight
Would be nice to be able to try it out without signing up
hey this is very cool just made an account and predicted a few articles, love the concept. Kinda reminds me of like ground.news?
I am building adj.news a prediction driven news platform, would love to chat sometime
Hey Lucas!
Thanks for the kind words. I’m still finding my bearings on this site, but I’d absolutely be down to chat. I took a look at adj.news and you clearly have a better eye for design than I do! Would love to exchange ideas soon.
just sent you a message!
Cool idea! I am not sure you’d be able to move to real money betting given that cheating is trivial (just google the text of the article).
Hey Adam, thanks for checking it out. I do have a JS script that’s supposed to prevent straight copying and pasting but yes, cheating would be hard to regulate. I had one thought that the winnings don’t go to you, but to a charity of your choosing to try to reduce the incentive to cheat as much, but I’m still skeptical as to how much that would work. But good point, something I’m still trying to figure out.