Eliezer, while you’re defending yourself from charges of self-aggrandizement, it troubles me a little bit that AI Box page states that your record is 2 for 2, and not 3 for 5.
Move it up your to-do list, it’s been incorrect for a time that’s long enough to look suspicious to others. Just add a footnote if you don’t have time to give all the details.
Eliezer, while you’re defending yourself from charges of self-aggrandizement, it troubles me a little bit that AI Box page states that your record is 2 for 2, and not 3 for 5.
Obviously I’m not trying to keep it a secret. I just haven’t gotten around to editing.
I’m sure that’s the case, I’m just saying it looks bad. Presumably you’d like to be Caesar’s wife?
Move it up your to-do list, it’s been incorrect for a time that’s long enough to look suspicious to others. Just add a footnote if you don’t have time to give all the details.