[link] On Reasonable Efforts

Related to: Make an Extraordinary Effort, On Doing the Impossible, Shut up and do the impossible!, Humans are not automatically strategic.



We live in a culture so bound by what most people are willing to do that we often take them as hard limits—“I can’t do more than that,” we say. “I’ve done the best I can.” But it really isn’t. It’s just the best we’re willing to do for right then.

When I was running and got my side-stitch, I really thought that I’d put 100% into it. But the truth was that I hated running, and I hated exercise, and I was putting maybe 20% of myself into it. If I was being chased by a bear, suddenly I’d find new reserves within me. And though I hated math homework, and thought that the grudging half an hour I did was really balls-out for math homework, I’d forget how many hours I’d spend memorizing PAC-Man patterns.

After that, I realized where my real limits were—they were way up there. And maybe I could stop telling myself and others that I did my best. I didn’t. Not even close. I did what I thought was reasonable.

Sometimes you don’t want reasonable.

The thing about it is that you don’t have to feel guilty about not giving it your all, all the time. That’d be crazy. If you started panning your friends to see the latest Rush concert, you’d be a mooch. But what’s important is not to conflate “a reasonable effort” as the top end. Be honest. Know what percentage you’re actually willing to give, and acknowledge that if it was that critical, you could do a lot of other, very creative, things to solve this problem. I don’t ask you guys for money because I find it distasteful—but when my sister-in-law’s life was at stake and I didn’t have the cash, you bet your ass I begged.

Recommend reading the whole thing.