The World’s Fair Company has launched their poster series, Stories of Our Future (prints available!) (via @camwiese)
Meta (Facebook) AI announces text-to-video. A bit rough but impressive (@MetaAI)
Patrick Collison interviewed by Ezra Klein (via @tylercowen)
Charles Mann interviewed by Dwarkesh Patel (via @dwarkesh_sp)
10 years ago, it cost $10k to sequence a human genome. Illumina’s new machine promises $200 (via @emilylmullin)
“We had to order a larger CT scanner when it was deemed unacceptable to send patients to the zoo” (Marginal Revolution)
Margaret Sanger’s incredible resilience and commitment to the cause of birth control
Quote quiz: who lavished this praise on “American efficiency”?
What are examples of inventions/discoveries that were made by brute force search? (@_brianpotter)
What are examples of modern monuments of progress? (@MoritzW42)
One interesting quote from the article:
From another article:
This looks like it might answer Gwern’s question from 2018:
Illumina used patents to defy the god of the straight lines and now it seems their newly announced machine likely can’t match the price of startups.