I did actually mean 45, in “all-things-considered” I was including uncertainty in whether my toy model was accurate. Since it’s a right-tailed distribution, my model can underestimate the true amount a lot more than it can overestimate it.
For what it’s worth, my all-things-considered view for Delta is now more like 30, as I’ve not really seen anything all that compelling for long COVID being much worse than in the model. I’m not sure about Omicron; it seems to be less virulent, but also more vaccine escape. Somewhere in the 15-90 day range sounds right to me, I’ve not thought enough to pin it down precisely.
I’m assuming the all-things-considered mean should be 4.5?
I did actually mean 45, in “all-things-considered” I was including uncertainty in whether my toy model was accurate. Since it’s a right-tailed distribution, my model can underestimate the true amount a lot more than it can overestimate it.
For what it’s worth, my all-things-considered view for Delta is now more like 30, as I’ve not really seen anything all that compelling for long COVID being much worse than in the model. I’m not sure about Omicron; it seems to be less virulent, but also more vaccine escape. Somewhere in the 15-90 day range sounds right to me, I’ve not thought enough to pin it down precisely.