An alief is an independent source of emotional reaction which can coexist with a contradictory belief. For example, the fear felt when a monster jumps out of the darkness in a scary movie is based on the alief that the monster is about to attack you, even though you believe that it cannot.
Searching for alief and belief together brought up this relevant PDF.
In case it isn’t obvious to people: The name is a pun. If there are “b”-liefs there must be “a”-liefs. One way to think about an alief is as a kind of proto-belief.
Quick definition request: what’s an alief? Google shrugs at it.
An alief is an independent source of emotional reaction which can coexist with a contradictory belief. For example, the fear felt when a monster jumps out of the darkness in a scary movie is based on the alief that the monster is about to attack you, even though you believe that it cannot.
Searching for alief and belief together brought up this relevant PDF.
Thanks—just learning that concept has actually appreciably increased my (self) understanding.
In case it isn’t obvious to people: The name is a pun. If there are “b”-liefs there must be “a”-liefs. One way to think about an alief is as a kind of proto-belief.
Another one that I think has yet to escape Benton house is ‘cesire’, along the same lines.
All I’m finding on the Internets is Aimé Césaire—elaboration?
I would assume that cesire is a modified version of desire, possibly a tendency to act to further a certain cause even if you desire something else.
So would I; I would still like an elaboration.
It’s from p642 of the pdf you linked.
Thanks! It took me a while to sort of get a handle on the idea—I still didn’t get it when I posted the above comic.
Edit: The above comment. Geez, sleep-deprived much?