CFAR has its own private mailing list, which isn’t available to individuals who haven’t attended a CAR event before. As a CFAR alumnus, though, I can ask them your questions on your behalf. If I get a sufficient response, I can summarize their insight in a discussion post. I believe CFAR alumni are 40% active Less Wrong users, and 60% not. The base of CFAR, i.e. its staff, may have a substantially different perspective from its hundreds of workshop members that compose the broader community.
I think I’d be quite interested to know what % of CRAF people believe that rationality ought to include a component of “truthiness”. Anything that could help on that?
CFAR has its own private mailing list, which isn’t available to individuals who haven’t attended a CAR event before. As a CFAR alumnus, though, I can ask them your questions on your behalf. If I get a sufficient response, I can summarize their insight in a discussion post. I believe CFAR alumni are 40% active Less Wrong users, and 60% not. The base of CFAR, i.e. its staff, may have a substantially different perspective from its hundreds of workshop members that compose the broader community.
I think I’d be quite interested to know what % of CRAF people believe that rationality ought to include a component of “truthiness”. Anything that could help on that?