If you did this as a case study or thought experiment, and published this as a discussion post, that would be swell. Similar articles are written by other users of Less Wrong, and they’re usually well-appreciated efforts, as far as I can tell. Your three questions are a good starting point, so I might write this as a post myself. Alternatively, if it’s not worthy of it’s own post, anyone doing this exercise on/for themselves should definitely share it in the (group) rationality diary.
If you did this as a case study or thought experiment, and published this as a discussion post, that would be swell. Similar articles are written by other users of Less Wrong, and they’re usually well-appreciated efforts, as far as I can tell. Your three questions are a good starting point, so I might write this as a post myself. Alternatively, if it’s not worthy of it’s own post, anyone doing this exercise on/for themselves should definitely share it in the (group) rationality diary.