More on Slate Star Codex than on LessWrong, there is discussion of memes as a useful concept for explaining or thinking about cultural evolution. The term ‘memetics’ is thrown around to correspond to the theory of memes as a field of inquiry. I want to know more about memetics, lest I would consider it not worth my time to think about it more deeply. More broadly, if not definitely a pseudoscience, it skirts that border more frequently. I expect the discourse on memes might be at least a bit less speculative if us amateur memeticists here knew more about it. Thus, I’ve generated a post covering memetics. Some of them are notes on the history of memetics as a field, and others are interesting. I don’t go in-depth in explaining any idea, but sources are provided so readers can pursue individual, uh, memes...from within memeplexes themselves:
That’s a link to the note as published by me on Facebook, as I don’t have my own blog. It should be accessible publicly. If you can’t access it, logged into Facebook or not, let me know, and I’ll see if I can solve that problem.
You could post this as a top level discussion post here, if you want to make it more available and reduce trivial inconveniences to those without access to facebook.
More on Slate Star Codex than on LessWrong, there is discussion of memes as a useful concept for explaining or thinking about cultural evolution. The term ‘memetics’ is thrown around to correspond to the theory of memes as a field of inquiry. I want to know more about memetics, lest I would consider it not worth my time to think about it more deeply. More broadly, if not definitely a pseudoscience, it skirts that border more frequently. I expect the discourse on memes might be at least a bit less speculative if us amateur memeticists here knew more about it. Thus, I’ve generated a post covering memetics. Some of them are notes on the history of memetics as a field, and others are interesting. I don’t go in-depth in explaining any idea, but sources are provided so readers can pursue individual, uh, memes...from within memeplexes themselves:
That’s a link to the note as published by me on Facebook, as I don’t have my own blog. It should be accessible publicly. If you can’t access it, logged into Facebook or not, let me know, and I’ll see if I can solve that problem.
You could post this as a top level discussion post here, if you want to make it more available and reduce trivial inconveniences to those without access to facebook.