That’s an… interesting way of putting it, where by “interesting” I mean “wrong”.
If you genuinely can’t see how similar considerations apply to you personally publishing rape-world stories and the reasoning you explicitly gave in the post then I suggest you have a real weakness in evaluating the consequences of your own actions on perception.
I could go off on how the idea is that there’s particular modern-day people who actually exist and that you’re threatening to harm, and how a future society where different things feel harmful is not that, but you know, screw it.
I approve of your Three Worlds Collide story (in fact, I love it). I also approve of your censorship proposal/plan. I also believe there is no need to self censor that story (particularly at the position you were when you published it). That said:
This kind of display of evident obliviousness and arrogant dismissal rather than engagement or—preferably—even just outright ignoring it may well do more to make Lesswrong look bad than half a dozen half baked speculative posts by CronoDAS. There are times to say “but you know, screw it” and “where by interesting I mean wrong” but those times don’t include when concern is raised about your legalised-rape-and-it’s-great story in the context of your own “censor hypothetical violence ’cause it sounds bad” post.
If you genuinely can’t see how similar considerations apply to you personally publishing rape-world stories and the reasoning you explicitly gave in the post then I suggest you have a real weakness in evaluating the consequences of your own actions on perception.
I approve of your Three Worlds Collide story (in fact, I love it). I also approve of your censorship proposal/plan. I also believe there is no need to self censor that story (particularly at the position you were when you published it). That said:
This kind of display of evident obliviousness and arrogant dismissal rather than engagement or—preferably—even just outright ignoring it may well do more to make Lesswrong look bad than half a dozen half baked speculative posts by CronoDAS. There are times to say “but you know, screw it” and “where by interesting I mean wrong” but those times don’t include when concern is raised about your legalised-rape-and-it’s-great story in the context of your own “censor hypothetical violence ’cause it sounds bad” post.