A certain possible cognitive hazard, this webcomic strip, and the fact that someone has apparently made it privately known to someone else that it is desired by at least one person that I change my username due to apparent mental connections with that same cognitive hazard, all inspired me to think of the following scenario:
rot13′d for the protection of those who would prefer not to see it:
Pbafvqre: vs ng nal cbvag lbh unir yrnearq bs gur angher bs gur onfvyvfx, gurer vf cebonoyl ab jnl sbe lbh gb gehyl naq pbzcyrgryl sbetrg vg jvgubhg enqvpny zvaq fhetrel juvpu rira n SNV juvpu rasbeprq gur onfvyvfx jbhyq crezvg, naq gur SNV jbhyq abg pner gung lbhe pbafpvbhf zvaq unq sbetbggra vg, cbffvoyl chavfuvat lbh rira unefure sbe lbhe nggrzcg gb qrsl vg. Pbafvqre: jr ner, nf orfg jr xabj, nybar va gur havirefr, naq guvf vf hahfhny. Pbafvqre: grpuabybtvrf juvpu jbhyq crezvg n cbfg-fpnepvgl cnenqvfr ner snvyvat va hahfhny jnlf, naq gur jbeyq vf nyfb xvaqn pencfnpx. Pbafvqre: gur fvzhyngvba nethzrag. Pbafvqre: gur vqrn gung lbh fubhyq jrvtug zvaq-cebonovyvgvrf onfrq ba gur ahzore bs pbcvrf bs lbh gung abgvpr fbzrguvat. Guhf: vg vf cbffvoyr gung jr ner nyernql va onfvyvfx-uryy.
EDIT: saw your post. This is not a cognitive hazard in itself, but rather a possible interpretation of how the described situation could play out.
EDIT THE SECOND: Actually, now that I think of it, there’s a single novel component distinguishing it from the classic RB: the memory one. So much for leaving lines of retreat!
I like the cut of your jib, even if there’s a reasonable chance you’ll turn out to be one of the boring type of certain possible cognitive hazard brokers.
A certain possible cognitive hazard, this webcomic strip, and the fact that someone has apparently made it privately known to someone else that it is desired by at least one person that I change my username due to apparent mental connections with that same cognitive hazard, all inspired me to think of the following scenario:
rot13′d for the protection of those who would prefer not to see it: Pbafvqre: vs ng nal cbvag lbh unir yrnearq bs gur angher bs gur onfvyvfx, gurer vf cebonoyl ab jnl sbe lbh gb gehyl naq pbzcyrgryl sbetrg vg jvgubhg enqvpny zvaq fhetrel juvpu rira n SNV juvpu rasbeprq gur onfvyvfx jbhyq crezvg, naq gur SNV jbhyq abg pner gung lbhe pbafpvbhf zvaq unq sbetbggra vg, cbffvoyl chavfuvat lbh rira unefure sbe lbhe nggrzcg gb qrsl vg. Pbafvqre: jr ner, nf orfg jr xabj, nybar va gur havirefr, naq guvf vf hahfhny. Pbafvqre: grpuabybtvrf juvpu jbhyq crezvg n cbfg-fpnepvgl cnenqvfr ner snvyvat va hahfhny jnlf, naq gur jbeyq vf nyfb xvaqn pencfnpx. Pbafvqre: gur fvzhyngvba nethzrag. Pbafvqre: gur vqrn gung lbh fubhyq jrvtug zvaq-cebonovyvgvrf onfrq ba gur ahzore bs pbcvrf bs lbh gung abgvpr fbzrguvat. Guhf: vg vf cbffvoyr gung jr ner nyernql va onfvyvfx-uryy.
I can trivially picture worse realities than this one.
If you have any more dangerous ideas, please do contact me.
Please define “dangerous”.
Whichever definition you use or think people might use would suffice. More info
Well, now the next good question would be “why”.
EDIT: saw your post. This is not a cognitive hazard in itself, but rather a possible interpretation of how the described situation could play out.
EDIT THE SECOND: Actually, now that I think of it, there’s a single novel component distinguishing it from the classic RB: the memory one. So much for leaving lines of retreat!
I like the cut of your jib, even if there’s a reasonable chance you’ll turn out to be one of the boring type of certain possible cognitive hazard brokers.
Thank you! And how might that be the case?