I want to do some quick-and-dirty productivity hacks, along the lines of this or this. My simplified methodology is something like this: at the end of every 20 minutes of hard-ish labor (like writing Less Wrong posts or taking over African countries), I will flip a coin. If the coin lands tails, I inhale 8 grams of delicious nitrous oxide and keep on working. If heads, I die a little inside, take a 5 minute emailhackernewsfacebookblitzchess break, and then start working again.
The reason I really expect this to work is because I get significantly more pleasure out of nitrous oxide than I do from orgasms. It’s that good. If positive conditioning works at all, this stuff had better do it. I’m skeptical that something else like a gummy worm would really motivate me. Plus I’m not too keen on ingesting excessively large amounts of sugar.
Have others done similar experiments? Any ideas for an improved methodology? Anyone else interested in trying this with their own drug/candy of choice so we can pool our findings? I’d be very happy if people used this to finally bang out that one Less Wrong post they’ve been meaning to write.
Discuss: Have you experimented with Pavlovian conditioning?
I want to do some quick-and-dirty productivity hacks, along the lines of this or this. My simplified methodology is something like this: at the end of every 20 minutes of hard-ish labor (like writing Less Wrong posts or taking over African countries), I will flip a coin. If the coin lands tails, I inhale 8 grams of delicious nitrous oxide and keep on working. If heads, I die a little inside, take a 5 minute emailhackernewsfacebookblitzchess break, and then start working again.
The reason I really expect this to work is because I get significantly more pleasure out of nitrous oxide than I do from orgasms. It’s that good. If positive conditioning works at all, this stuff had better do it. I’m skeptical that something else like a gummy worm would really motivate me. Plus I’m not too keen on ingesting excessively large amounts of sugar.
Have others done similar experiments? Any ideas for an improved methodology? Anyone else interested in trying this with their own drug/candy of choice so we can pool our findings? I’d be very happy if people used this to finally bang out that one Less Wrong post they’ve been meaning to write.