When Eliezer has edited my writing, he’s had a pretty good (gimlet!) eye for knocking out unnecessary adjectives, clauses, pushing for more specific examples, etc. So I find those sessions pretty helpful. Luke, have you had Eliezer edit your stuff to pin down what changes (and vice versa)?
Data point: I read them both (in the order you asked, and voted how you asked), then I even compared them paragraph by paragraph, and I can’t really tell which is which. Or, at least, I can’t detect an obvious “Eliezerness” in either.
Details in rot13 to avoid bias if anyone else wants to compare them: Gur frpbaq irefvba frrzf “zber rqvgrq”, ohg gung’f zbfgyl orpnhfr ba n fvqr-ol fvqr pbzcnevfba gurer ner n ovg srjre cnentencuf. Nyfb, gur frpbaq vf n ovg zber fgbel-yvxr va gung gur hfr bs cnfg grafr vf zber pbafvfgrag. (Gur svefg frrzf gb fxvcf n ovg orgjrra cnfg naq cerfrag.) Tvira gur pbagrkg bs guvf cbfg, vs V unq gb pubbfr V’q thrff vg’f gur frpbaq bar Ryvrmre rqvgrq, ohg vs V pnzr sebz n qvssrerag pbagrkg V qba’g guvax V’q unir abgvprq nalguvat.
When Eliezer has edited my writing, he’s had a pretty good (gimlet!) eye for knocking out unnecessary adjectives, clauses, pushing for more specific examples, etc. So I find those sessions pretty helpful. Luke, have you had Eliezer edit your stuff to pin down what changes (and vice versa)?
We ran an experiment once. People can still participate.
If your last name begins with A-K, read this post and vote on it.
If your last name begins with L-Z, read this post and vote on it.
Data point: I read them both (in the order you asked, and voted how you asked), then I even compared them paragraph by paragraph, and I can’t really tell which is which. Or, at least, I can’t detect an obvious “Eliezerness” in either.
Details in rot13 to avoid bias if anyone else wants to compare them: Gur frpbaq irefvba frrzf “zber rqvgrq”, ohg gung’f zbfgyl orpnhfr ba n fvqr-ol fvqr pbzcnevfba gurer ner n ovg srjre cnentencuf. Nyfb, gur frpbaq vf n ovg zber fgbel-yvxr va gung gur hfr bs cnfg grafr vf zber pbafvfgrag. (Gur svefg frrzf gb fxvcf n ovg orgjrra cnfg naq cerfrag.) Tvira gur pbagrkg bs guvf cbfg, vs V unq gb pubbfr V’q thrff vg’f gur frpbaq bar Ryvrmre rqvgrq, ohg vs V pnzr sebz n qvssrerag pbagrkg V qba’g guvax V’q unir abgvprq nalguvat.