Data point: I read them both (in the order you asked, and voted how you asked), then I even compared them paragraph by paragraph, and I can’t really tell which is which. Or, at least, I can’t detect an obvious “Eliezerness” in either.
Details in rot13 to avoid bias if anyone else wants to compare them: Gur frpbaq irefvba frrzf “zber rqvgrq”, ohg gung’f zbfgyl orpnhfr ba n fvqr-ol fvqr pbzcnevfba gurer ner n ovg srjre cnentencuf. Nyfb, gur frpbaq vf n ovg zber fgbel-yvxr va gung gur hfr bs cnfg grafr vf zber pbafvfgrag. (Gur svefg frrzf gb fxvcf n ovg orgjrra cnfg naq cerfrag.) Tvira gur pbagrkg bs guvf cbfg, vs V unq gb pubbfr V’q thrff vg’f gur frpbaq bar Ryvrmre rqvgrq, ohg vs V pnzr sebz n qvssrerag pbagrkg V qba’g guvax V’q unir abgvprq nalguvat.
We ran an experiment once. People can still participate.
If your last name begins with A-K, read this post and vote on it.
If your last name begins with L-Z, read this post and vote on it.
Data point: I read them both (in the order you asked, and voted how you asked), then I even compared them paragraph by paragraph, and I can’t really tell which is which. Or, at least, I can’t detect an obvious “Eliezerness” in either.
Details in rot13 to avoid bias if anyone else wants to compare them: Gur frpbaq irefvba frrzf “zber rqvgrq”, ohg gung’f zbfgyl orpnhfr ba n fvqr-ol fvqr pbzcnevfba gurer ner n ovg srjre cnentencuf. Nyfb, gur frpbaq vf n ovg zber fgbel-yvxr va gung gur hfr bs cnfg grafr vf zber pbafvfgrag. (Gur svefg frrzf gb fxvcf n ovg orgjrra cnfg naq cerfrag.) Tvira gur pbagrkg bs guvf cbfg, vs V unq gb pubbfr V’q thrff vg’f gur frpbaq bar Ryvrmre rqvgrq, ohg vs V pnzr sebz n qvssrerag pbagrkg V qba’g guvax V’q unir abgvprq nalguvat.