Ad Kahneman: Yes. This is related, but my impression is the nonlinearity is somewhat more general—in DRM you are still asking people for rating on 1-6 affective scale (the nonlinearity would appear between the “raw affect” and the rating on the scale), and doing aggregates.
Happiness is Not a Coherent Concept thanks. It seems to me to be somewhat orthogonal—the article argues happiness breaks into several different variables, which are correlated, but not identical. Ok, than you can choose one of them. Or, you can try to uderstand the varriables better, and possibly construct something which encompasses all of them.
Ad Kahneman: Yes. This is related, but my impression is the nonlinearity is somewhat more general—in DRM you are still asking people for rating on 1-6 affective scale (the nonlinearity would appear between the “raw affect” and the rating on the scale), and doing aggregates.
Happiness is Not a Coherent Concept thanks. It seems to me to be somewhat orthogonal—the article argues happiness breaks into several different variables, which are correlated, but not identical. Ok, than you can choose one of them. Or, you can try to uderstand the varriables better, and possibly construct something which encompasses all of them.