I myself consider that a large degree of why I find myself to be bad at math is because I have spent very little time really trying to do math as a result of it being actually mentally painful to do due to this effect.
This makes me sad, because even without accomplishment, I feel as if my reasoning ability is “merely above average” and I have no apparent way of leveraging that besides hacking that into making me seem more verbally intelligent (a lame result in my opinion).
I myself consider that a large degree of why I find myself to be bad at math is because I have spent very little time really trying to do math as a result of it being actually mentally painful to do due to this effect.
This makes me sad, because even without accomplishment, I feel as if my reasoning ability is “merely above average” and I have no apparent way of leveraging that besides hacking that into making me seem more verbally intelligent (a lame result in my opinion).
However I’m not a programmer either, yet.