jmed writes that it was originally a comment posted by accident that couldn’t be deleted, so my comment doesn’t apply in this case. But giving users ability to block downvoting and still having their text fixed in discussion seems like a bad thing. Even “revoked” comments need to be community-moderated. I understand that this is intended to set up incentives that prevent deletion of comments, but perhaps limiting negative comment score instead could do the trick.
Oh, so that’s why I see all these comments with text struck out! I don’t understand why the feature works this way and I don’t like it. Did someone explain the rationale somewhere?
jmed writes that it was originally a comment posted by accident that couldn’t be deleted, so my comment doesn’t apply in this case. But giving users ability to block downvoting and still having their text fixed in discussion seems like a bad thing. Even “revoked” comments need to be community-moderated. I understand that this is intended to set up incentives that prevent deletion of comments, but perhaps limiting negative comment score instead could do the trick.
Oh, so that’s why I see all these comments with text struck out! I don’t understand why the feature works this way and I don’t like it. Did someone explain the rationale somewhere?
Comments can still be edited down to the former deletion message, but one-button deletion was replaced with revocation in order to deincentivize the deletion of comments with children.