Note that you’ve seen “several people” out of hundreds recommend Mencius Moldbug. That is not surprising given that he has debated Robin Hanson, and I believe was linked by Robin several times on Overcoming Bias. I’m not sure how you go from “several people” to “so popular”. I don’t think there’s anything to explain.
On the as-yet-unfinished survey, n gbgny bs fvkgrra people identify themselves as “Moldbuggian” and na nqqvgvbany gjb people as “reactionary”. Compare this to other categories; for example nobhg avargl rnpu for “libertarian” and “progressive”.
(edit: rot13ed number for people who want to predict it in advance)
That sounds about right to me (though sadly I didn’t try to predict in advance). I wonder how that differs from other communities that have had significant exposure to Moldbug.
I’d generally suggest saying why you rot13 something (if it’s not obvious) before the text rather than after. I tend to ha-ebg guvatf nf V ernq gurz if I can’t think of a reason not to, and suspect I’m not the only one.
This should probably be an open thread comment.
Note that you’ve seen “several people” out of hundreds recommend Mencius Moldbug. That is not surprising given that he has debated Robin Hanson, and I believe was linked by Robin several times on Overcoming Bias. I’m not sure how you go from “several people” to “so popular”. I don’t think there’s anything to explain.
On the as-yet-unfinished survey, n gbgny bs fvkgrra people identify themselves as “Moldbuggian” and na nqqvgvbany gjb people as “reactionary”. Compare this to other categories; for example nobhg avargl rnpu for “libertarian” and “progressive”.
(edit: rot13ed number for people who want to predict it in advance)
V rkcrpgrq n fznyyre funer bs frys-vqragvsvrq Zbyqohttvnaf.
Same here.
That sounds about right to me (though sadly I didn’t try to predict in advance). I wonder how that differs from other communities that have had significant exposure to Moldbug.
This would make an interesting post in and of itself. What communities do you have in mind?
I did not mean to imply existence of such communities.
I’d generally suggest saying why you rot13 something (if it’s not obvious) before the text rather than after. I tend to ha-ebg guvatf nf V ernq gurz if I can’t think of a reason not to, and suspect I’m not the only one.
I wonder if the choice, “moldbuggery”(in the survey), is made in a serious thought, or for lack of a better word.
maybe rot13 all the numbers?
I guess I mistook a small but noticeable minority for some sort of community consensus. In retrospect, that was kind of silly of me.
The question then becomes why is it noticeable.
Edit: Athrelon has since made an interesting observation.