I only took that case into account for completeness, to cover my bases against the criticism that “not all one-boxers would be happy with their decisions.”
Naively, when you have a choice between 1000000.01 and 1000000.02, it’s very easy to argue that the latter is the better option. To argue for the former, you would probably cite the insignificance of that cent next to the rest of 1000000.01: that eps doesn’t matter, or that an extra penny in your pocket is inconvenient, or that you already have 1000000.01, so why do you need another 0.01?
I only took that case into account for completeness, to cover my bases against the criticism that “not all one-boxers would be happy with their decisions.”
Naively, when you have a choice between 1000000.01 and 1000000.02, it’s very easy to argue that the latter is the better option. To argue for the former, you would probably cite the insignificance of that cent next to the rest of 1000000.01: that eps doesn’t matter, or that an extra penny in your pocket is inconvenient, or that you already have 1000000.01, so why do you need another 0.01?