It looks like a reincarnation of the RB idea, now as a chain, not one-short game.
If there are many possible UFAIs in the future, they could acausally compete for the O’s reward channel, and this would create some noise and may work as a protection.
It also reminds me of the SETI-attack, now in time, not space. Recently I had a random shower thought that if all quantum computers occured to be connected with each other via some form of entaglement, when aleins could infiltrate our quantum computers as their quantum computers will be connected to such parasitic net too. It is unlikely to be true, but it illustrates that unfreindly superintelligence could find unexpected ways to penetrate through space and time.
Quantum physics as we know it has no communication theorems that stop this sort of thing.
You can’t use entanglement on its own to communicate. We won’t have entanglement with the alien computers anyway. (Entanglement streaches between several particles, and can only be created when the particles interact.)
It looks like a reincarnation of the RB idea, now as a chain, not one-short game.
If there are many possible UFAIs in the future, they could acausally compete for the O’s reward channel, and this would create some noise and may work as a protection.
It also reminds me of the SETI-attack, now in time, not space. Recently I had a random shower thought that if all quantum computers occured to be connected with each other via some form of entaglement, when aleins could infiltrate our quantum computers as their quantum computers will be connected to such parasitic net too. It is unlikely to be true, but it illustrates that unfreindly superintelligence could find unexpected ways to penetrate through space and time.
Quantum physics as we know it has no communication theorems that stop this sort of thing.
You can’t use entanglement on its own to communicate. We won’t have entanglement with the alien computers anyway. (Entanglement streaches between several particles, and can only be created when the particles interact.)
A possible counter: