CIV: National Academies Artificial Intelligence Impact Study on Workforce (Title LI, Sec. 5105)
The NSF is directed to contract with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s National Research Council to conduct a study of the current and future impact of AI on the workforce of the United States across sectors. Within two years of the NDAA’s approval, a report including findings and recommendations is to be submitted to the Congress.
CIV: National Academies Artificial Intelligence Impact Study on Workforce (Title LI, Sec. 5105)
The NSF is directed to contract with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s National Research Council to conduct a study of the current and future impact of AI on the workforce of the United States across sectors. Within two years of the NDAA’s approval, a report including findings and recommendations is to be submitted to the Congress.