A very heavy and dense body on an elliptical orbit that touches the Sun’s surface at each perihelion would collect sizable chunks of the Sun’s matter. The movement of matter from one star to another nearby star is a well-known phenomenon.
When the body reaches aphelion, the collected solar matter would cool down and could be harvested. The initial body would need to be very massive, perhaps 10-100 Earth masses. A Jupiter-sized core could work as such a body.
Therefore, to extract the Sun’s mass, one would need to make Jupiter’s orbit elliptical. This could be achieved through several heavy impacts or gravitational maneuvers involving other planets.
This approach seems feasible even without ASI, but it might take longer than 10,000 years.
A very heavy and dense body on an elliptical orbit that touches the Sun’s surface at each perihelion would collect sizable chunks of the Sun’s matter. The movement of matter from one star to another nearby star is a well-known phenomenon.
When the body reaches aphelion, the collected solar matter would cool down and could be harvested. The initial body would need to be very massive, perhaps 10-100 Earth masses. A Jupiter-sized core could work as such a body.
Therefore, to extract the Sun’s mass, one would need to make Jupiter’s orbit elliptical. This could be achieved through several heavy impacts or gravitational maneuvers involving other planets.
This approach seems feasible even without ASI, but it might take longer than 10,000 years.