No, no, I’m not at all confident that humans will be obliterated soon. But why, for example, is it more likely that humans will go extinct due to AGI than that humans will go extinct due to a large scale nuclear war? It could be that AGI deserves top priority, but I haven’t seen a good argument for why.
I think AGI wiping out humanity is far more likely than nuclear war doing so (it’s hard to kill everyone with a nuclear war) but even if I didn’t, I’d still want to work on the issue which is getting the least attention, since the marginal contribution I can make is greater.
Yes, I actually agree with you about nuclear war (and did before I mentioned it!) - I should have picked a better example. How about existential risk from asteroid strikes?
Several points:
(1) Nuclear war could still cause an astronomical waste in the form that I discuss here.
(2) Are you sure that the marginal contribution that you can make to the issue which is getting the least attention is the greatest? The issues getting the least attention may be getting little attention precisely because people know that there’s nothing that can be done about them.
(3) If you satisfactorially address my point (a), points (b) and (c) will remain.
The question is whether at present it’s possible to lower existential risk more by funding and advocating FAI research than than it is to lower existential risk by funding and advocating an asteroid strike prevention program. Despite the low probability of an asteroid strike, I don’t think that the answer to this question is obvious.
I figure a pretty important thing is to get out of the current vulnerable position as soon as possible. To do that, a major thing we will need is intelligent machines—and so we should allocate resources to their development. Inevitably, that will include consideration of safety features. We can already see some damage when today’s companies decide to duke it out—and today’s companies are not very powerful compared to what is coming. The situation seems relatively pressing and urgent.
I agree that friendly intelligent machines would be a great asset to assuaging future existential risk.
My current position is that at present, it’s so unlikely that devoting resources to developing safe intelligent machines will substantially increase the probability that we’ll develop safe intelligent machines that funding and advocating an asteroid strike program is likely to reduce existential risk more than funding and advocating FAI research is.
I may be wrong, but would require a careful argument for the opposite position before changing my mind.
Asteroid strikes are very unlikely—so beating them is a really low standard, which IMO, machine intelligence projects do with ease. Funding the area sensibly would help make it happen—by most accounts. Detailed justification is beyond the scope of this comment, though.
Assuming that an asteroid strike prevention program costs no more than a few hundred million dollars, I don’t think that it’s easy to do better to assuage existential risk than funding an asteroid strike prevention program (though it may be possible). I intend to explain why I think it’s so hard to lower existential risk through funding FAI research later on (not sure when, but within a few months).
I’d be interested in hearing your detailed justification. Maybe you can make a string top level posts at some point.
My current position is that at present, it’s so unlikely that devoting resources to developing safe intelligent machines will substantially increase the probability that we’ll develop safe intelligent machines that funding and advocating an asteroid strike program is likely to reduce existential risk more than funding and advocating FAI research is.
Considering the larger problem statement, technically understanding what we value as opposed to actually building an AGI with those values, what do you see as distinguishing a situation where we are ready to consider the problem, from a situation where we are not? How can one come to such conclusion without actually considering the problem?
I think that understanding what we value is very important. I’m not convinced that developing a technical understanding of what we value is the most important thing right now.
I don’t believe that the best thing for me to do is to study human values. I also don’t believe that at the margin, funding researchers who study human values is the best use of money.
Of course, my thinking on these matters is subject to change with incoming information. But if what I think you’re saying is true, I’d need to see a more detailed argument than the one that you’ve offered so far to be convinced.
If you’d like to correspond by email about these things, I’d be happy to say more about my thinking about these things. Feel free to PM me with your email address.
I didn’t ask about perceived importance (that has already taken feasibility into account), I asked about your belief that it’s not a productive enterprise (that is the feasibility component of importance, considered alone), that we are not ready to efficiently work on the problem yet.
If you believe that we are not ready now, but believe that we must work on the problem eventually, you need to have a notion of what conditions are necessary to conclude that it’s productive to work on the problem under those conditions.
And that’s my question: what are those conditions, or how can one figure them out without actually attempting to study the problem (by a proxy of a small team devoted to professionally studying the problem; I’m not yet arguing to start a program on the scale of what’s expended on study of string theory).
I think that research of the type that you describe is productive. Unless I’ve erred, my statements above are statements about the relative efficacy of funding research of the type that you describe rather than suggestions that research of the type that you describe has no value.
I personally still feel the way that I did in June despite having read Fake Fake Utility Functions, etc. I don’t think that it’s very likely the case that we will eventually have to do research of the type that you describe to ensure an ideal outcome. Relatedly, I believe that at the margin, at the moment funding other projects has higher expected value than funding research of the type that you describe. But I may be wrong and don’t have an argument against your position. I think that this is something that reasonable people can disagree on. I have no problem with you funding, engaging in and advocating research of the type that you describe.
You and I may have a difference which cannot be rationally resolved in a timely fashion on account of the information that we have access to being in a forms that makes it difficult or impossible to share. Having different people fund different projects according to their differing beliefs about the world serves as some sort of real world approximation to funding what should be funded according to the result of Bayesian averaging over all people and then funding what should be funded based on that.
So, anyway, I think you’ve given satisfactory answers to how you feel about questions (a) and (b) raised in my comment. I remain curious how you feel about point (c).
I did answer to (c) before: any reasonable effort in that direction should start with trying to get SIAI itself to change or justify the way it behaves.
Yes, I agree with you. I didn’t remember that you had answered this question before. Incidentally, I did correspond with Michael Vassar. More on this to follow later.
p(machine intelligence) is going up annually—while p(nuclear holocaust) has been going down for a long time now. Neither are likely to obliterate civilisation—but machine intelligence could nontheless be disruptive.
No, no, I’m not at all confident that humans will be obliterated soon. But why, for example, is it more likely that humans will go extinct due to AGI than that humans will go extinct due to a large scale nuclear war? It could be that AGI deserves top priority, but I haven’t seen a good argument for why.
I think AGI wiping out humanity is far more likely than nuclear war doing so (it’s hard to kill everyone with a nuclear war) but even if I didn’t, I’d still want to work on the issue which is getting the least attention, since the marginal contribution I can make is greater.
Yes, I actually agree with you about nuclear war (and did before I mentioned it!) - I should have picked a better example. How about existential risk from asteroid strikes?
Several points:
(1) Nuclear war could still cause an astronomical waste in the form that I discuss here.
(2) Are you sure that the marginal contribution that you can make to the issue which is getting the least attention is the greatest? The issues getting the least attention may be getting little attention precisely because people know that there’s nothing that can be done about them.
(3) If you satisfactorially address my point (a), points (b) and (c) will remain.
p(asteroid strike/year) is pretty low. Most are not too worried.
The question is whether at present it’s possible to lower existential risk more by funding and advocating FAI research than than it is to lower existential risk by funding and advocating an asteroid strike prevention program. Despite the low probability of an asteroid strike, I don’t think that the answer to this question is obvious.
I figure a pretty important thing is to get out of the current vulnerable position as soon as possible. To do that, a major thing we will need is intelligent machines—and so we should allocate resources to their development. Inevitably, that will include consideration of safety features. We can already see some damage when today’s companies decide to duke it out—and today’s companies are not very powerful compared to what is coming. The situation seems relatively pressing and urgent.
If yes, I highly doubt we need machines significantly more intelligent than existing military technology adopted for the purpose.
That would hardly be a way to “get out of the current vulnerable position as soon as possible”.
I agree that friendly intelligent machines would be a great asset to assuaging future existential risk.
My current position is that at present, it’s so unlikely that devoting resources to developing safe intelligent machines will substantially increase the probability that we’ll develop safe intelligent machines that funding and advocating an asteroid strike program is likely to reduce existential risk more than funding and advocating FAI research is.
I may be wrong, but would require a careful argument for the opposite position before changing my mind.
Asteroid strikes are very unlikely—so beating them is a really low standard, which IMO, machine intelligence projects do with ease. Funding the area sensibly would help make it happen—by most accounts. Detailed justification is beyond the scope of this comment, though.
Assuming that an asteroid strike prevention program costs no more than a few hundred million dollars, I don’t think that it’s easy to do better to assuage existential risk than funding an asteroid strike prevention program (though it may be possible). I intend to explain why I think it’s so hard to lower existential risk through funding FAI research later on (not sure when, but within a few months).
I’d be interested in hearing your detailed justification. Maybe you can make a string top level posts at some point.
Considering the larger problem statement, technically understanding what we value as opposed to actually building an AGI with those values, what do you see as distinguishing a situation where we are ready to consider the problem, from a situation where we are not? How can one come to such conclusion without actually considering the problem?
I think that understanding what we value is very important. I’m not convinced that developing a technical understanding of what we value is the most important thing right now.
I imagine that for some people, working on a developing a technical understanding understanding what we value is the best thing that they could be doing. Different people have different strengths, and this leads to the utilitarian thing varying from person to person..
I don’t believe that the best thing for me to do is to study human values. I also don’t believe that at the margin, funding researchers who study human values is the best use of money.
Of course, my thinking on these matters is subject to change with incoming information. But if what I think you’re saying is true, I’d need to see a more detailed argument than the one that you’ve offered so far to be convinced.
If you’d like to correspond by email about these things, I’d be happy to say more about my thinking about these things. Feel free to PM me with your email address.
I didn’t ask about perceived importance (that has already taken feasibility into account), I asked about your belief that it’s not a productive enterprise (that is the feasibility component of importance, considered alone), that we are not ready to efficiently work on the problem yet.
If you believe that we are not ready now, but believe that we must work on the problem eventually, you need to have a notion of what conditions are necessary to conclude that it’s productive to work on the problem under those conditions.
And that’s my question: what are those conditions, or how can one figure them out without actually attempting to study the problem (by a proxy of a small team devoted to professionally studying the problem; I’m not yet arguing to start a program on the scale of what’s expended on study of string theory).
I think that research of the type that you describe is productive. Unless I’ve erred, my statements above are statements about the relative efficacy of funding research of the type that you describe rather than suggestions that research of the type that you describe has no value.
I personally still feel the way that I did in June despite having read Fake Fake Utility Functions, etc. I don’t think that it’s very likely the case that we will eventually have to do research of the type that you describe to ensure an ideal outcome. Relatedly, I believe that at the margin, at the moment funding other projects has higher expected value than funding research of the type that you describe. But I may be wrong and don’t have an argument against your position. I think that this is something that reasonable people can disagree on. I have no problem with you funding, engaging in and advocating research of the type that you describe.
You and I may have a difference which cannot be rationally resolved in a timely fashion on account of the information that we have access to being in a forms that makes it difficult or impossible to share. Having different people fund different projects according to their differing beliefs about the world serves as some sort of real world approximation to funding what should be funded according to the result of Bayesian averaging over all people and then funding what should be funded based on that.
So, anyway, I think you’ve given satisfactory answers to how you feel about questions (a) and (b) raised in my comment. I remain curious how you feel about point (c).
I did answer to (c) before: any reasonable effort in that direction should start with trying to get SIAI itself to change or justify the way it behaves.
Yes, I agree with you. I didn’t remember that you had answered this question before. Incidentally, I did correspond with Michael Vassar. More on this to follow later.
p(machine intelligence) is going up annually—while p(nuclear holocaust) has been going down for a long time now. Neither are likely to obliterate civilisation—but machine intelligence could nontheless be disruptive.