I don’t see him saying that. I didn’t listen to the podcast, but I used speech-to-text to search. Every youtube video uploaded these days has a transcript. On a computer (not phone) click on the three dots under the video to the right of share/save and choose “open transcript.” I looked at the 16 times he mentioned antivirals. Speech-to-text isn’t good enough to search for “remdesivir,” but it was mentioned at 44 minutes. (I also searched for side effects. This is more a concern for vaccines given to healthy people than antivirals given to people who are already sick.)
(Also, castbox is a podcast app that has transcripts of podcasts not on youtube, but I haven’t had a lot of luck with it.)
I don’t see him saying that. I didn’t listen to the podcast, but I used speech-to-text to search. Every youtube video uploaded these days has a transcript. On a computer (not phone) click on the three dots under the video to the right of share/save and choose “open transcript.” I looked at the 16 times he mentioned antivirals. Speech-to-text isn’t good enough to search for “remdesivir,” but it was mentioned at 44 minutes. (I also searched for side effects. This is more a concern for vaccines given to healthy people than antivirals given to people who are already sick.)
(Also, castbox is a podcast app that has transcripts of podcasts not on youtube, but I haven’t had a lot of luck with it.)