Frankly it feels as if people are not even trying to sell environmentalism to republicans. There are so many low hanging fruits here:
Russia is the main beneficiary of global warming! Don’t let the commies win!
Is pollution making your kids trans? No one was trans before the industrial revolution and now everyone is! We need to stop it before the western civilization collapses!
Leftists just pretend to fight global warming to virtue signal, but they are too much of pussies to have anything done. We need real action to protect the natural resources of our country!
It’s too late to make environmentalism never have been partisan in the first place. And you can’t just persuade current people in the environmentalist movement to stop caring about all the other issues, except environment. Neither it will work, nor I think it will be net positive thing to do.
But there is still an opportunity to have its own branch of environmentalism for republicans.
Frankly it feels as if people are not even trying to sell environmentalism to republicans. There are so many low hanging fruits here:
Russia is the main beneficiary of global warming! Don’t let the commies win!
Is pollution making your kids trans? No one was trans before the industrial revolution and now everyone is! We need to stop it before the western civilization collapses!
Leftists just pretend to fight global warming to virtue signal, but they are too much of pussies to have anything done. We need real action to protect the natural resources of our country!
This is trying to make environmentalism become partisan, but in the other direction.
Environmentalists could just not have positions on most controversial issues, and instead focus more narrowly on the environment.
It’s making environmentalism bi-partisan.
It’s too late to make environmentalism never have been partisan in the first place. And you can’t just persuade current people in the environmentalist movement to stop caring about all the other issues, except environment. Neither it will work, nor I think it will be net positive thing to do.
But there is still an opportunity to have its own branch of environmentalism for republicans.