Ah, you reliably predicted a single bit of behaviour (upvoted or downvoted), and from this you extrapolate a complete motivation?
Here’s how it looks to me, when I look through your entire history of posting in LessWrong: You are consistently downvoted for your attitude, not for the claims you make. In many places you say essentially the same thing as here, but you’re only downvoted only you are acting like a rude jerk or when you play pity games.
Ah, you reliably predicted a single bit of behaviour (upvoted or downvoted), and from this you extrapolate a complete motivation?
Here’s how it looks to me, when I look through your entire history of posting in LessWrong: You are consistently downvoted for your attitude, not for the claims you make. In many places you say essentially the same thing as here, but you’re only downvoted only you are acting like a rude jerk or when you play pity games.