Because I think I’m one of the smartest young supergeniuses, and I’m working on things that I think are even more useful in expectation, and which almost nobody except me can do.
Even if this is by some small chance actually true, it’s stupid of you to say it, because from the perspective of your readers, you are almost certainly wrong and so you undermine your own credibility. I’m sure you were aware some people would think this, and don’t care. Have you experimented with trying not to piss people off and see if it helps you?
As for your actual idea, it’s cool and even if it doesn’t work out we could learn some important things. Good luck!
Yeah, this is also just a pretty serious red flag for the OP’s epistemic humility… it amounts to saying “I have this brilliant idea but I am too brilliant to actually execute it, will one of you less smart people do it for me?” This is not something one should claim without a correspondingly stellar track record—otherwise, it strongly indicates that you simply haven’t tested your own ideas against reality.
Contact with reality may lower your confidence that you are one of the smartest younger supergeniuses, a hypothesis that should have around a 1 in a billion prior probability.
Maybe it should have 1 in a billion priors, but that isn’t very relevant. The question isn’t actually decided by precisely how many bits of evidence you’d need to conclude it, it’s trivial to come by strong evidence supporting the idea.
Yes, but it’s also very easy to convince yourself you have more evidence than you do, e.g. invent a theory that is actually crazy but seems insightful to you (may or may not apply to this case).
I think intelligence is particularly hard to assess in this way because of recursivity.
Thanks for letting me know it sounded like that. I definitely know it isn’t legible at all, and I didn’t expect readers to buy it, just wanted to communicate that that’s how it’s from my own perspective.
Even if this is by some small chance actually true, it’s stupid of you to say it, because from the perspective of your readers, you are almost certainly wrong and so you undermine your own credibility. I’m sure you were aware some people would think this, and don’t care. Have you experimented with trying not to piss people off and see if it helps you?
As for your actual idea, it’s cool and even if it doesn’t work out we could learn some important things. Good luck!
Yeah, this is also just a pretty serious red flag for the OP’s epistemic humility… it amounts to saying “I have this brilliant idea but I am too brilliant to actually execute it, will one of you less smart people do it for me?” This is not something one should claim without a correspondingly stellar track record—otherwise, it strongly indicates that you simply haven’t tested your own ideas against reality.
Contact with reality may lower your confidence that you are one of the smartest younger supergeniuses, a hypothesis that should have around a 1 in a billion prior probability.
Maybe it should have 1 in a billion priors, but that isn’t very relevant. The question isn’t actually decided by precisely how many bits of evidence you’d need to conclude it, it’s trivial to come by strong evidence supporting the idea.
Yes, but it’s also very easy to convince yourself you have more evidence than you do, e.g. invent a theory that is actually crazy but seems insightful to you (may or may not apply to this case).
I think intelligence is particularly hard to assess in this way because of recursivity.
Thanks for letting me know it sounded like that. I definitely know it isn’t legible at all, and I didn’t expect readers to buy it, just wanted to communicate that that’s how it’s from my own perspective.
You’re right. I’ll edit the post.