Several. You need more information than just one correlation/association to pinpoint the exact causal relationship.
But I expect you already know that, cause my understanding is that this is standard correlation/causation stuff—the sentence wasn’t supposed to point at a novel idea, just a novel phrasing of it. So your question seems rhetorical, but I don’t know what’s it trying to point at. Do you think this view of correlation/association/causation is false?
Which causation?
Several. You need more information than just one correlation/association to pinpoint the exact causal relationship.
But I expect you already know that, cause my understanding is that this is standard correlation/causation stuff—the sentence wasn’t supposed to point at a novel idea, just a novel phrasing of it. So your question seems rhetorical, but I don’t know what’s it trying to point at. Do you think this view of correlation/association/causation is false?