Maybe you know of the “sincere smile” and the “insincere smile”. The sincere smile uses a different set of muscles, most famously the orbicularis oculi, which is somewhere between very hard and impossible to contract voluntarily. As far as I know, the only way to get a genuine smile using that muscle is to either be happy, or pretend to be happy so successfully that you become happy.
When you say that instead of pretending to be dominant you should replicate the behaviors of a dominant person, well, that makes sense, but I think you’d need to prove beforehand that these can be voluntarily replicated in a believable way, and that it wouldn’t take more effort and self-control than it’s worth.
People are pretty good at picking up microexpressions and other things on an unconscious level; a lot of people can tell the difference between a sincere and insincere smile without being able to verbalize what they’re looking for. I wouldn’t be surprised if women could tell the difference between someone who’s confident and someone who’s faking confidence.
I think you’d need to prove beforehand that these can be voluntarily replicated
Well if you figure out that you need to have genuine smiles, it doesn’t mean you have to figure out how to do them voluntarily. There are other ways to have a genuine smile without pretending or having false beliefs. One strategy is to, say, start conversational threads that you find entertaining and your smiles will be genuine.
Maybe you know of the “sincere smile” and the “insincere smile”. The sincere smile uses a different set of muscles, most famously the orbicularis oculi, which is somewhere between very hard and impossible to contract voluntarily. As far as I know, the only way to get a genuine smile using that muscle is to either be happy, or pretend to be happy so successfully that you become happy.
When you say that instead of pretending to be dominant you should replicate the behaviors of a dominant person, well, that makes sense, but I think you’d need to prove beforehand that these can be voluntarily replicated in a believable way, and that it wouldn’t take more effort and self-control than it’s worth.
People are pretty good at picking up microexpressions and other things on an unconscious level; a lot of people can tell the difference between a sincere and insincere smile without being able to verbalize what they’re looking for. I wouldn’t be surprised if women could tell the difference between someone who’s confident and someone who’s faking confidence.
Well if you figure out that you need to have genuine smiles, it doesn’t mean you have to figure out how to do them voluntarily. There are other ways to have a genuine smile without pretending or having false beliefs. One strategy is to, say, start conversational threads that you find entertaining and your smiles will be genuine.