Some results I got:
P(doom) = 2%, P(Blanchardianism) = 15%, P(mesmerism) = 5%, P(overregulation raises housing prices) = 35%, P(Trump wins 2024) = 55%, P(dyson sphere) = 2%, P(Eliezer Yudkowsky on AI) = 35%
P(The scientific consensus on time switches from agreeing with Albert Einstein to agreeing with Henri Bergson) = 15%, P(The scientific consensus switches away from mechanistic thinking to agreeing with Henri Bergson on Elan Vital) = 5%.
Some results I got:
P(doom) = 2%, P(Blanchardianism) = 15%, P(mesmerism) = 5%, P(overregulation raises housing prices) = 35%, P(Trump wins 2024) = 55%, P(dyson sphere) = 2%, P(Eliezer Yudkowsky on AI) = 35%
P(The scientific consensus on time switches from agreeing with Albert Einstein to agreeing with Henri Bergson) = 15%, P(The scientific consensus switches away from mechanistic thinking to agreeing with Henri Bergson on Elan Vital) = 5%.